Title | Posted |
Artificial divisions within the SLN | Mar 2004 |
The Battle of Farley's Crossing | Mar 2004 |
<em>Gauntlet</em>'s weapons fit | Mar 2004 |
Erewhon and the inertial compensator | Apr 2004 |
Battleship and SD(P) comparisons | Apr 2004 |
System control ships | Apr 2004 |
Grav pulse comm post <em>Ashes of Victory</em> | Apr 2004 |
Artificial intelligence and nanotechnology | Apr 2004 |
Shipyard types | Jun 2004 |
<em>Medusa-Bs</em> | Jun 2004 |
A collection of posts by David Weber containing background information for his stories, collected and generously made available Joe Buckley.
In the absence of a proper diacritical keyboard set, try: Da-hak, with a hard "h" and sounding both "a"s as the "a" in alms, art, or calm.