Title | Posted |
<em>The Great Vanishing Crucian Mystery</em> | Oct 2002 |
The Terran Federation - partial (high resolution - 157KB) | Oct 2002 |
ISW 4: The Arachnid War (1) (low resolution - 27KB) | Oct 2002 |
Mother's recall of surviving Battle Fleet units | Oct 2002 |
Upgrading <em>Dahak </em>to a hyperdrive | Oct 2002 |
Honor Harrington series timeline | Oct 2002 |
Naval refits | Oct 2002 |
Cover art | Nov 2002 |
Treecat intelligence I | Nov 2002 |
Why did Paul Tankersley accept Summervale's challenge? | Nov 2002 |
A collection of posts by David Weber containing background information for his stories, collected and generously made available Joe Buckley.
Why do they work within the Hyper Threshold? Is it a function of the amount of mass being boosted into hyper?
In the words of John Wayne,