Title | Posted |
The Mesan Navy | Jun 2005 |
White Haven's double-transit to Basilisk | Jun 2005 |
Shipkiller missile evasive maneuvers | Jun 2005 |
Cathy Montaigne's wealth | Jun 2005 |
Heavy attack craft (HAC) | Jun 2005 |
Heavy spinal-armed units | Jun 2005 |
Non-hyper-capable units | Jun 2005 |
Grav pulse comm intercepts | Jun 2005 |
Hardening shipkiller missile drives | Jun 2005 |
Grayson inheritance laws | Jun 2005 |
A collection of posts by David Weber containing background information for his stories, collected and generously made available Joe Buckley.
You cannot fit a Warshawski sail into any missile. This question has come up several times now. It is impossible to build a Warshaski sail missile at all, which is why missiles cannot be used in a grav wave in hyper.
Any missile with any impeller drive is much larger than the final target bus of even a Ghost Rider MDM. Counter-missiles are smaller than shipkillers; they are not tiny.
I hope this isn't going to become another grav lance! :-)