
Title Posted
The missing figures from the Honorverse CD-release of More Than Honor. May 2009
Reportage of Honor's 'trial' by the Committee of Public Safety May 2009
Treecat intelligence II Apr 2009
Hyper transits Apr 2009
Hyper translation Apr 2009
Why does towing pods decrease ship acceleration? Apr 2009
Firing through a drive band Apr 2009
Naval blockades Apr 2009
The rationale for the Theisman Buildup Apr 2009
The pre-war importance of Basilisk Station Apr 2009


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Pearls of Weber

A collection of posts by David Weber containing background information for his stories, collected and generously made available Joe Buckley.

The missing figures from the Honorverse CD-release of More Than Honor.

  • Series: Honorverse
  • Date: May 02, 2009

Hyper Limits by Spectral Class
(Figure 1)

Acceleration by Ship Mass
(Figure 2)

Effective Speed by Hyper Band
(Figure 3)