
Title Posted
Grav pulse comm pulse generation Nov 2002
Grav pulse comm in hyper Nov 2002
Prolong Nov 2002
Cover art Nov 2002
Treecat intelligence I Nov 2002
Why did Paul Tankersley accept Summervale's challenge? Nov 2002
Why did Pavel Young accept Harrington's challenge? Nov 2002
Balance of power in the Star Kingdom of Manticore Nov 2002
"Beached" or <em>half pay</em> officers Nov 2002
Manticoran Admiralty Nov 2002


Narrow the posts above by selecting a series or specifying a keyword.


Pearls of Weber

A collection of posts by David Weber containing background information for his stories, collected and generously made available Joe Buckley.

Firing hyper missiles within the hyper threshold

  • Series: Dahak
  • Date: September 12, 2004

Why do they work within the Hyper Threshold? Is it a function of the amount of mass being boosted into hyper?


In the words of John Wayne,

