
Title Posted
The origin of the Manticoran technical edge Nov 2004
Is the destroyer obsolete as a ship type? Nov 2004
Arsenal ships based upon ammunition colliers Nov 2004
Off-bore missile targeting Nov 2004
Single-drive fusion-powered missiles Nov 2004
Order of Battle: The Siege of Earth Nov 2004
Order of Battle: First Clash - The Vanguard Nov 2004
Order of Battle: The Battle of Zeta Trianguli Australis Nov 2004
Order of Battle: Second Clash - The Main Body Nov 2004
Effective intercept range for counter-missiles Dec 2004


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Pearls of Weber

A collection of posts by David Weber containing background information for his stories, collected and generously made available Joe Buckley.

Firing hyper missiles within the hyper threshold

  • Series: Dahak
  • Date: September 12, 2004

Why do they work within the Hyper Threshold? Is it a function of the amount of mass being boosted into hyper?


In the words of John Wayne,

