
Title Posted
"Beached" or <em>half pay</em> officers Nov 2002
Cathy Montaigne's wealth Jun 2005
Admiral Hemphil and <em>Fearless'</em> deployment Aug 2004
Manticoran Admiralty Nov 2002
Does the Manticoran Peerage allow Proxy Voting Dec 2002
Manticoran Peerage seating Nov 2002
Manticore's relationship with Beowulf Dec 2005
Pre-war alliance strategy Feb 2007
Power of the Manticoran Monarchy Dec 2005
Why doesn't Elizabeth <em>pack</em> the Lords? Dec 2002


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Pearls of Weber

A collection of posts by David Weber containing background information for his stories, collected and generously made available Joe Buckley.

Hyper Limits by stellar spectral class

  • Series: Honorverse
  • Date: June 03, 2009
Stellar ClassHyper Limit
O49.60 LM
B33.42 LM
A28.75 LM
F026.42 LM *
F125.98 LM
F225.54 LM
F325.10 LM
F424.66 LM
F524.20 LM
F623.76 LM
F723.32 LM
F822.88 LM
F922.44 LM
G022.00 LM
G121.56 LM
G221.12 LM
G320.68 LM
G420.24 LM
G519.80 LM
G619.36 LM
G718.92 LM
G818.48 LM
G918.04 LM
K017.60 LM
K117.15 LM
K216.72 LM
K316.28 LM
K415.84 LM
K515.40 LM
K614.96 LM
K714.52 LM
K814.04 LM
K913.64 LM
M013.20 LM
M112.76 LM
M212.32 LM
M311.88 LM
M411.44 LM
M511.00 LM
M610.56 LM
M710.12 LM
M89.68 LM
M99.24 LM
Red Giant5.64 LM
* Confirmed typographical entry in More Than Honor - Ed.