Now then my main issue with the Alignment is there full belief in "The end justifies the means." This has directly LEAD to the overthrow of the original ROH, the SEM and Haven Wars which has caused millions if not billions of deaths in just 20 years alone.
I think you are actually arguing in the Alignment’s favour. How valuable is a system which is so unstable that it can be turned into a monster like PRH by a small outside force? Consider Manticore, the epitome of good governance in the H’verse. Off the cuff I can think of many instances where the government played chicken with the whole nation for their own political gain: Basilisk, beginning of 1st Hevenite War and St Just Peace to name a few. Wouldn’t Detweitler the 11th and Detweiler the 12th be better than Duke Comraty and Michael Janiver ?
Ahh! The fact is Manticore has a self-correcting system. They lose a vote and the bums get thrown out. Their treason and corruption become exposed. Now, where is the self-correcting system for the MAlignment. Whose to stop their leader from heading down a road of insanity? Now, the system that the Malignment plans to install some type of facist government. Who speaks for the average person? Who speaks for the dead after a galaxy wide war? When a system is emplaced by force from the top down, what happens? Usually, the system collaspes due to a lack of support over a period of time. What about launching an unprovoked attack upon another society/civilization/empire without warning? All those people dieing due to an unprovoked attack. Personnally, their would be no tomorrow for the people responsible for the attack. We can argue about Leaders who would better but how do we know any of the other Deitweller clones would be any better. I guess I would call that a straw arguement.