My understanding on coal subject is... limited shall we say, but here goes.
EDIT: Since I did a quick Yahoo search, seems my analysis below was spot on: This explains it:
[url] ... 15222.html[/url]
1) Wyoming coal isn't going to China as there is no port anywhere near Wyoming loading coal to start with. None in Washington or Oregon. They have been talking about building one in both Oregon(Portland) or in Washington at Longview(Columbia River) or Willipa Bay area. I highly doubt the one on the Columbia river will ever get off the ground as coal carriers are HUGE and while the Columbia is a big river, it would have to be dredged allowing larger gross tonnage ships(Have been fighting environmental wackos for 20 years to get it dredged again) and there is the issue of the Bridge at Astoria over the Columbia that isn't high enough.
2) Australia is closer if they were buying coal.
3) China's RR network may not be all that developed.
4) I can't believe China imports coal except way down south as N. China, where nearly ALL of their steel production is at has vast coal reserves and is FAR inland so, coal via water would then have to be transported via rail INLAND past coal mines.
5) I would have to conclude that any imported coal was due to a lack of Rail Road infrastructure from China's vast coal mines/reserves in Northern China to Southern China and its few steel mills and electricity generation facilities down south.
[url] ... al_exports [/url]
As far as point one is concerned, all that "Wyoming" coal that isn't being shipped to China goes through Billings 2 or 3 times a day on its way to Seattle. 240 to 360 coal cars a day are headed for the West Coast. 2 or 3 more trains are headed East every day. Those are just the ones from the southern Montana coal fields.
As for point 2., what is the difference in cost between US coal and Australian coal? For that matter, how does the cost of Chinese coal compare?
The coal that is actually mined in Wyoming is shipped south out of the state and I have no idea how much that is. As far as it goes, a trade delegation from China shows in Montana up a couple of times a year to negotiate for coal prices.