Tenshinai wrote:When it´s easier to get a gun than it is to get a drivers license for a car, then you have a BAD problem.
Oh, I see the issue; you completely missed the context of the cities I referred to. In Washington DC and Chicago, it has been illegal for a law-abiding citizen to own a handgun for many years. Not hard.
The Supreme Court recently told both cities in no uncertain terms in separate court cases that they were in violation of the Second Amendment.
Chicago has decided to try abiding by the Supreme Court's rather nasty and pointed written opinion and decision by telling people that they may own a handgun after training at a registered gun range, then prohibiting gun ranges. If a normal, non-political person were to try this, they would be seeing serious jail time for contempt of court.
Baltimore makes concealed carry of a weapon effectively illegal for normal, non-politically connected citizens who are not police officers, armored car drivers, or walking around with a public bounty on their head from the Mafia. Once you leave your front door, you are basically only permitted to carry a weapon while en route to a gun range. While it is
technically possible for a non-politician to own and carry a handgun, the near-100% result from an application is "We have looked at your circumstances and determined you have no good reason to be allowed to possess a firearm."
Despite the incredibly stringent anti-gun laws, as of the most recent statistics, Baltimore is #5 on the US cities murder list, Washington DC is #14, and Chicago is #16. On overall violent crime, Baltimore is #7, Washington DC 16, and Chicago has stopped even trying to keep track. The number one city on the murder rate? New Orleans, where in 2003 the US military went on a widespread snatch-and-grab of registered firearms.