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Dahak the massive

Fans of Colin Maclntyre and the great starship Dahak should take a minute to stop in here for discussions about one of David's best-loved series.
Re: Dahak the massive
Post by Rook13   » Wed May 11, 2011 1:37 pm


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Michael Everett wrote:Hah! I can top that!
Because they finally make contact with the Milky Way again, finding that the entire galaxy and all beings in it have become a type of gestalt entity. And when they leave (with Data now transformed into a human), the ENTIRE GALAXY follows them! Yes, a travelling galaxy which is a (sort-of) life-form in its own right.

Mobile galaxy.

Beat that.

Only thing I can trump that with isn't a "ship": D&D has a sentient demiplane. Doesn't have quite the punch, though.
Not up to that level, but still kinda fun: Star Wars had both a sentient (& mobile) planet and a mobile star system. I haven't read about the living planet, but Corellia (of Han Solo fame) & the other 4 habitable planets of the system were discovered to have repulsors big enough to push them through hyperspace. [Major Handwavium, but...]
Re: Dahak the massive
Post by straha42   » Sun May 29, 2011 10:33 pm


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Rook13 wrote:
Michael Everett wrote:Hah! I can top that!
Because they finally make contact with the Milky Way again, finding that the entire galaxy and all beings in it have become a type of gestalt entity. And when they leave (with Data now transformed into a human), the ENTIRE GALAXY follows them! Yes, a travelling galaxy which is a (sort-of) life-form in its own right.

Mobile galaxy.

Beat that.

Only thing I can trump that with isn't a "ship": D&D has a sentient demiplane. Doesn't have quite the punch, though.
Not up to that level, but still kinda fun: Star Wars had both a sentient (& mobile) planet and a mobile star system. I haven't read about the living planet, but Corellia (of Han Solo fame) & the other 4 habitable planets of the system were discovered to have repulsors big enough to push them through hyperspace. [Major Handwavium, but...]

The planets didn't have any repulsors in them (that I recall, might have to reread some SW stuff), they were all moved to the system by the Centerpoint Station that had massive tractors capable of pulling a planet thru hyperspace to its location.
Re: Dahak the massive
Post by Rook13   » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:39 pm


Posts: 21
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straha42 wrote:
The planets didn't have any repulsors in them (that I recall, might have to reread some SW stuff), they were all moved to the system by the Centerpoint Station that had massive tractors capable of pulling a planet thru hyperspace to its location.

In addition to that, each planet had a large, underground facility that was effectively a massive repulsor. (Han's kids found the one on Corellia.) Centerpoint acted as the "hyperdrive" for all the rest.
Re: Dahak the massive
Post by namelessfly   » Fri Aug 05, 2011 9:24 pm


Howard T. Map-addict wrote:The Ringworld is not a ship,
it is a fixed-position artifact,
but remember that the Puppeteers were migration
on five moving planets!


Bohica wrote:The only thing that comes to mind is Larry Niven's Ringworld, although I don't know if that counts as a "ship." even though is is an artificial construct.

Read Ringworld's Children or Bigger than Worlds. Ringworld's is a ship!
Re: Dahak the massive
Post by Lenardo   » Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:25 am


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While not planet sized,

the perry rhodan series had round ships with diameters of ~1 mile by book 80 and had an immortal being that had planet sized ships whose orbital period was immense (hundreds of light years)

of course i never got beyond ~issue 120 so i do not know how large the ships became.

for reference a sphere 1 mile in diameter has a volume of
86,166,866,075.6 cubic feet the crew for said ships was supposedly something like 100 thousand.(100k crew would be 1 person per 86,166 cubic feet)
Re: Dahak the massive
Post by Jonathan_S   » Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:50 pm

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Howard T. Map-addict wrote:Then Doc Smith made BIG ships!
In Skylark of Valeron an Skylark DuQuesne,
he used "ships" as large as he could imagine moving.
Skylark of Valeron was a perfect sphere of only a bit over a 1000 km in diameter.

Much smaller than Dahak. On the other hand there's basically no comparison in their fighting power.
Re: Dahak the massive
Post by gymman444   » Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:32 pm


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Jonathan_S wrote:
Howard T. Map-addict wrote:Then Doc Smith made BIG ships!
In Skylark of Valeron an Skylark DuQuesne,
he used "ships" as large as he could imagine moving.
Skylark of Valeron was a perfect sphere of only a bit over a 1000 km in diameter.

Much smaller than Dahak. On the other hand there's basically no comparison in their fighting power.

Smith made bigger ships in the lensman series, He has the turtles I belive they are called, and they can actually move a planet with their tractors, I mean in that series they use planets as projectoids, like it is a day to day buisness, and he even uses the sun as a weapon to protect earth, so I do not believe Dahak is the biggest Sci-Fi ship out there
Re: Dahak the massive
Post by cralkhi   » Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:47 pm

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gymman444 wrote:
Jonathan_S wrote:
Howard T. Map-addict wrote:Then Doc Smith made BIG ships!
In Skylark of Valeron an Skylark DuQuesne,
he used "ships" as large as he could imagine moving.
Skylark of Valeron was a perfect sphere of only a bit over a 1000 km in diameter.

Much smaller than Dahak. On the other hand there's basically no comparison in their fighting power.

Smith made bigger ships in the lensman series, He has the turtles I belive they are called, and they can actually move a planet with their tractors, I mean in that series they use planets as projectoids, like it is a day to day buisness, and he even uses the sun as a weapon to protect earth, so I do not believe Dahak is the biggest Sci-Fi ship out there

I don't think there are any *ships*, as such - as in something actually constructed - as big as Dahak in the Lensman series.

There are, however, (in addition to the planet-projectiles) planets that are equipped with FTL drives, massive weapons and shields, making them into something like warships (seven are used in an attack on Earth early in Second Stage Lensman).


The TV series War Planets (US name)/Shadow Raiders (Canadian name) had the Beast Planet, which is a large mobile (and possibly artificial -- at least technological-looking, as the whole thing opens up with continent-sized bay doors to reveal a claw big enough to grab other planets. So it doesn't seem to be a regular 'planet' in the sense of having 'natural' features (like core or mantle or whatever) - it might be more like a planet sized warship. OTOH that series has a lot of planet-moving engines and apparently-artificial planets (especially in the second season) so this sort of blurs the line between planets-as-weapons and actual planet-sized warships.

The scale of the stuff in that series is very weird though - the "Battlemoons" (moon-fortresses with a single massive cannon) look like decent-sized moons when shown in the same shot with planets, but when a ship flies alongside them they look no more than a few miles across if even that. So maybe the planets in that series are actually pretty small, who knows.
Re: Dahak the massive
Post by Emo Otaku   » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:09 am

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In the Anime series Kiddy Grade the Nouvlesse build a giant ship (the Deucalion) to steal the Earth and take it to another galaxy

And the Deucalion also transforms into a giant robot (Dahak can't do that)

In Techi Muyo Ryo-Ohki Tsunami (who is kind of a ship) is actually a hyper-dimensional being Bigger than the Universe

And lets not forget Spaceball 1/MegaMaid

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Re: Dahak the massive
Post by nadonn   » Tue Jan 17, 2012 10:53 am


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Jonathan_S wrote:
Howard T. Map-addict wrote:Then Doc Smith made BIG ships!
In Skylark of Valeron an Skylark DuQuesne,
he used "ships" as large as he could imagine moving.
Skylark of Valeron was a perfect sphere of only a bit over a 1000 km in diameter.

Much smaller than Dahak. On the other hand there's basically no comparison in their fighting power.

Skylark of Valeron was rebuilt somewhat larger after the fight with the Chloron Galaxy.

And DQ was also somewhat larger than Skylark of Valeron.

Still not the size of Dahak, of course.

And as you say, not comparable in fighting power - when Dahak gets to be tough enough to destroy an entire galaxy, it might start to matter that it's bigger than the Skylark and DQ combined....

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