Okay, found it in the Uncompromising Honor extract containing the fight around the Prime-Ajay Hyper Bridge.
PS:Each Husky was a specialized towing drone equipped with a small impeller drive, a power receptor antenna, a telemetry relay, and eight tractor beams, each capable of towing one of Technodyne’s missile pods. The Husky’s onboard power was sufficient only for limited — very limited — independent maneuvering, but it could always be towed by a mothership’s tractors. As long as it could be hit by beamed power from that mothership, its endurance was effectively unlimited, however. And it had been designed so that each Husky could “mother” eight additional Huskies. In theory, they could be daisy-chained four-deep, with the actual missile pods forming the fifth tier of an enormous stack. That meant— again, in theory — that a single tractor aboard a single warship could tow 1,024 missile pods. The latest, tweaked version of the Cataphract was somewhat bigger than the model Filareta had taken to Manticore, and the new pods were individually smaller, able to carry only six of Technodyne’s latest mark. So in theory — in theory — that single shipboard tractor could have put 6,144 missiles into space. The power requirement would have far exceeded that of anything short of a superdreadnought, however — in fact, Isotalo doubted even a superdreadnought could have handled that many pods — and the best her battlecruisers could manage was just under a hundred Huskies and “only” 768 pods apiece, which meant the battlecruisers of the lightest of her task groups had almost twelve thousand missiles in its deployed pods.
Without the Huskies’ impellers, their acceleration would have been that of an arthritic tortoise . . . at best. With the Huskies’ impellers, the effect of all that mass outside the battlecruisers’ impeller wedges was negligible. And, all told, that would let her bring over 36,000 missiles to the fight.
What would be involved in actually trailing an antenna? A small tractor beam, a small power beam and a repeater module to detach after the missile launches and be held by the tractor and powered by the beam. It could be positioned right at the open end of the wedge and converse with the ship or other source. Then there would not need to perform any special maneuver to clear the wedge.author wrote:Missiles don't "trail an antenna." Instead, they periodically "clear the wedge" by reorienting so that the open stern aspect of their wedge is presented to the controlling ship.