penny wrote:I only mentioned it because the appropriate characters involved in The New Tuscany Incident(?) said that there was no detected energy weapon that caused the destruction of the space station; Giselle? IINM.
tlb wrote:That is because the explosion of the space station Giselle was the result of an internal nuclear device, not a beam weapon.
There are completely different signatures between an internal explosion, an external explosion and the strike of an energy beam weapon. Nuclear explosions have byproducts that are not the result of electro-magnetic energy beams.Jonathan_S wrote:I think it's more specifically relevant that the SLN flagship's CIC was making their determination based on recognizing the weapons signature of a contact nuclear explosion; rather than making it on eliminating the possibility of energy weapons fire.
If, instead, they'd said 'it's couldn't be the Manties, we saw no missile nor any energy weapons fire' then Penny might have a stronger case. Phrased that way it would be clear that the SLN CIC was confident they would have seen energy fire and ruled the Manties out on lack of that evidence. (And thus support Penny's belief that energy weapons fire is more traceable than spider emitter tractors)
But as actually written they don't seem to have even needed to consider energy weapons fire. They saw a nuclear explosion and so whether or not energy fire might be detectable was moot; they already knew it wasn't caused by energy fire.
So this incident actually provides no evidence one way or the other for how stealthy graser fire might be.
If the destruction is due to an internal explosion, then slow motion will show the sides breaking out and releasing the internal plasma.
If the destruction is due to an external contact explosion, then obviously the blast is first visible and then the pressure exerted on the structure will cause it to break up. If the missile buries itself first, then the impact followed by the explosion will show.
If the destruction is due to an energy beam, then the first images will be of the beam converting the impact point to plasma and digging its way in. The initial effects are highly visible, but much more confined than an explosion.
If I have any of this wrong, I am sure there will be corrections presented.