Jonathan_S wrote:Sure if it was cheap and quick to convert them then it might make sense as an interim measure until you could build proper MDM warships. But since needing about a 50% larger launcher and feed system involves cutting through many armored bulkheads and the ship's main armor belt and its internal core armor, plus moving systems that the larger feed tubes wouldn't fit past it's a long slow (and thus expensive) process to give you a ship with no more than 50% the combat potential of a first-gen SD(P).
They've far fewer broadside tubes than the missiles from a 6-pod salvo; they've got about half as many CMs and less than 60% the PDLCs -- so far less survivable against pods than the SD(P).
You probably spend more than 50% the time and cost of building a proper SD(P) in refitting the legacy SD which has no more than 50% the combat effectiveness. You would end up with more MDM capable hulls, but less combat power, for the investment.
(And if you'd done it when the Medusas first rolled out you'd have converted the SDs for Mk41 capacitor powered MDMs and it'd be another massive job to refit them again to carry Mk23 micro-fusion powered MDMs; so you likely wouldn't. But if carrying only Mk41s their missiles would be less capable than what the SD(P)s would soon be firing, due to a lower power budget for ECM/jamming. And when Apollo came along they be equally unable to fire that. So in addition to being more combat effective the SD(P) is more flexibly because it can fire anything that fits into the standard dimensions of a pod)
True, but this is why I think converting Nevadas would work decently. The cost for them will likely be lower, due to the built-in modularity, and you can get them for dirt-cheap (Or even free, if they defect/your system already has a couple), and converting them gives you a stopgap that can semi-kinda-maybe-sorta fight modern units.
I think you really understate how expensive new SDs are, though, especially with new designs. Manticore had a truly bonkers economy - something most systems dont have - and even they were feeling the financial strain from it. Developing a new design, and then building that design, is more expensive and - most importantly - takes far longer then just refitting them.
Say if I am a rather small system, that may not have any ships of the wall but have a decent (3-4 squadrons) fleet of battlecruisers. Buying new battlecruisers, or really making them on my own is extremely expensive or infeasible, but if I refit them then I get decently viable combat power at a lower cost. Not massively lower, probably about 50-60% of the cost of buying new battlecruisers, but that still matters.