Zendikarofthewest wrote:True, it would absolutely be a subpar vessel to a Saganami-C. In all seriousness though, I would give it an even chance of smacking a Roland or Avalon down (Avalon especially - it only has ERMs), or with two or three of them taking on a Saganami-C with some degree of success.
The Battle of Saltash, in the Meyer Sector. Tenth Fleet's DDRon 301 of 5 Rolands against the SLN's detachment of half of Battlecruiser Squadron 491, consisting of 4 Indefatigables. All four were lost and didn't even fire in response because the Rolands were completely outside of the range of the BCs. Vice Admiral Oxana Dubroskaya was expecting to see 30 missiles in a volley (6 per broadside times 5 ships), but she got 120 fired per volley at each of her ships - a double-double.
That acceleration though, oof. I never realized how much damn powercreep they had there - fucks sake, an Invictus goes faster then a damn Culverin.
There's a quote between two Solly officers, which I think is Filareta and his tactical officer, but I can't find. Basically, the senior of the two is saying, "I think there has to be an error in those acceleration numbers. They can't have superdreadnoughts faster than our destroyers." (I've already searched for "faster", "acceleration" and "Filareta" in the books where solly officers show up)
I was moreso thinking along the lines of a Roland, using off-bore capability to get semi-decent viability out of older CA hulls.
As others have said, that's basically gutting the entire ship and redoing her armour. That's not cheap at all.
To be honest, I think the cost of refits is overstated, and I don't really buy into the idea that refitting a Nevada would be more expensive then buying a brand new DDM-armed CA or BC. I think that refitting older ships to take ERMs and DDMs would be fairly popular, especially for third-rate navies that can get them for dirt cheap.
Maybe. I think you're right and I agree that a half-assed (or quarter-assed) job for third rate navies can be done cheaply enough that it's worth not buying a new ship... in the short run. This refitted ship is going to be an eggshell and comes with a "best use by" date stamped on the hull, so in the medium- to long-run, it is cheaper to buy a new one.
But we don't make the rules. As Theemile's signature says, RFC himself says that refitting an SLN SD to Manticoran standards is more expensive than buying a new one.
I will admit though, I wouldn't mind seeing some of the native-born designs of these navies. Maybe some would focus on MDM-armed battleships? Maybe DN(P)s? It's something I want explored tbh.
No one builds BBs any more because of the square-cube law: a DN and an SD have more volume per unit of area than a BB. So long as you can build a bigger ship, there's no point in building something smaller, which will have less armour per unit of volume and less internal volume to carry missiles, power plants, etc. DNs are today still "cheap SDs" and as we've seen they were only built in peace time to keep the costs down. Once the hostilities started and war funding kicked in, no one built DNs any more.