Brigade XO wrote:How close would a capital ship that carried only CMs as weapons have to get to a LD or other spider drive ship to engage it? How many CMs would have to swipe an LD with their wedge to do any significant damage?
The answer to those we do know: the range of a CM and one. A single CM hitting an LD is a complete ship destruction. Nay, it's a complete ship
vaporisation because the CM's wedge is larger than the full ship! The LD would need to use its PDLCs to shoot the CM down, but the CM can just interpose wedges and ram the ship with it. You know, what CMs are designed to do...
... against missiles. CMs aren't offensive weapons. So why are you talking about using CMs against and LD? The CMs would be used in fleet action to help defend the fleet against attacks launched or coordinated by LDs.
We don't know what the Alignment is going to show up with when they next surface. What we do know is that the preferred tactics are striking from stealth and ambush.
Quite. The GA may not be designing against the MAN, but against a another power (like the SLN) who did come up with MDMs and pod-launched missiles in large quantities. That's going to happen, regardless of what the Alignment does, or when they do it.
The RF is not large as far as a Navy goes and- again, so far, I don't recall that they have any SDs of any vintage. They will be at least a distraction but unless a lot of things change the RF isn't likely to make an open challenge to the members of the GF of quite a while. Political backstabbing probably and helping slide Alignment agents in places.
I don't think they were THAT small. Mannerheim was said to have "an outsized Navy" so I guess they had at least one, possibly two or three squadrons of the wall. We usually benchmark everyone else but the GA and SLN against the Beowulf SDF, who had 36 SDs. Mannerheim is supposedly a very rich system, with the first far terminus of any wormhole discovered, and connected to the Core of the League. A lot of traffic would have come to it, even if it wasn't a crossroads to other League destinations like Manticore was.
I'm also sure the Plan called for their navy build-up, with ships initially being bought from Technodyne. If the League was fracturing at that time, it's also quite possible the Battle Fleet was fragmenting too, with warlords coming up. The RF could entice a few admirals to come to their shores and bring their squadrons and taskforces with them. It could be all very above-board actually: those admirals who didn't like the idea of the Eridani violations the SLN was being asked to commit could just defect and ask for political asylum in the RF.
Plus, the RF was supposed to aggregate other members, some of whom would have been SL members themselves, either home to an SDF with a squadron of the wall or a detachment of the SLN.
Then they would build shipyards and, with some very, very covert help from Galton, quickly surpass the SLN and PN technology.
the Sharks had to carry the G-Torps mounted outside the hull, we might presume that even with the spider drives that would too badly degrade the sheath of a spider dive on those ships against GA sensors.
Brute force. If it isn't working, you're just not using enough of it. Enough sensors at close enough range
will pick up spider ships. We just don't know what the thresholds are.