ThinksMarkedly wrote:It says nothing about transporting the same within the Core Worlds. However, it does say "dominant position in the galaxy’s carrying trade," from which we must conclude that the carrying trade includes a significant portion of trade with the Verge. In turn, that must imply that the intra-Core trade isn't that significant. That makes some sense, as those Core worlds developed when interstellar trade wasn't practical, so they probably developed for complete self-sufficiency.
Doesn't that depend on how we measure carrying trade? For example, if the measure is in metric tons times kilometers, then the longer trips might dominate (particularly if the wormhole length is included). Even if the measure is value times length, the lengths involved will dominate. But suppose we ignore length and just measure metric tons; then the intra-Core traffic might be less weight, but higher value (as you suggested).
I still do not completely accept that hundreds of years of cheap and safe hyper-space travel would not modify the relationship between the Core Worlds. I keep going back to this quote from Torch Of Freedom:
Chapter 38 wrote:For some considerable part of that pre-Station life, she and her husband had been very successful freight brokers. That was how they'd amassed their initial small fortune, which Michael Parmley had then parlayed into a much larger fortune playing the Centauri stock exchange—and then blown the whole thing trying to launch a freight company that could compete with the big boys in the lucrative Core trade.
Sudden thought: why does the quote say that raw materials are being transported back into the League? Could it be that some of the Core Worlds have exhausted their asteroids and are no longer self-sufficient? Or is it just a few factory systems that find it cheaper to import from outside the League than to buy from a League member?