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The warship was built by Carlocci Industries at Erewhon.

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The warship was built by Carlocci Industries at Erewhon.
Post by samsonwilliams   » Thu Jun 06, 2024 4:21 am


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Reading about the warships built at Erewhon by Carlocci Industries for Maya.

Are there any details? I read that they laid down or built SD(P).

Warrior class DD, Marksman class CL and Defiant class BC (are these BC(P)?).
Re: The warship was built by Carlocci Industries at Erewhon.
Post by tlb   » Thu Jun 06, 2024 8:40 am

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samsonwilliams wrote:Reading about the warships built at Erewhon by Carlocci Industries for Maya.

Are there any details? I read that they laid down or built SD(P).

Warrior class DD, Marksman class CL and Defiant class BC (are these BC(P)?).

Welcome to the forum. When you get to Torch of Freedom in your reading, you will find descriptions of the Carlucci ships and see them in action.

The Marksman class cruiser is not a pod carrier, but it has the fire control to handle large numbers of missiles. However the missiles are in pods delivered by the Masquerade class ammunition carrier (a purpose built freighter).

Edited to change Defiant class to Marksman class, since I did not find information about a BC.
Last edited by tlb on Thu Jun 06, 2024 1:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: The warship was built by Carlocci Industries at Erewhon.
Post by ThinksMarkedly   » Thu Jun 06, 2024 12:40 pm

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samsonwilliams wrote:Warrior class DD, Marksman class CL and Defiant class BC (are these BC(P)?).

tlb wrote:The Defiant class cruiser is not a pod carrier, but it has the fire control to handle large numbers of missiles. However the missiles are in pods delivered by the Masquerade class ammunition carrier (a purpose built freighter).

It looks like the Agammemnon-class BC(P) from the RMN and its equivalent GSN are dead-end designs. Pod-laying BCs are structurally weak because of the hollow core, can't carry enough pods inside to make up for the difference, and can't push out enough pods per unit of time through the pod bay door. The Nike-class BC(L) design appears superior in almost every way.

Where it doesn't is that the Nikes fire 2-stage Mk16 missiles, not 3-stage Mk23. A Nike is therefore great for independent and small task force actions, leading a group of CAs also firing Mk16. In a battle fleet, it would be used as a screening unit for the SDs, not to add missiles due to lack of range, while an Agammemnon could do that, for a while.

The Carlucci Industries ships are the first new design using the learnings from the GA outside of the GA. The Andermani had copied some things, especially for the Adler-class SD(P)s, but those ships were later retrofitted by the RMN and, of course, they are now part of the GA. When we see the Carlucci ships in action, we do see that they're not yet of the same level of the GA ships, but IIRC they were also limited by ammunition: Maya was supplied by the RMN with surplus Mk13 (I think). I don't think we have yet seen the BC design in action, and the SDs were definitely not complete.

We also see that Roszak and Barregos passed just enough information back to the SLN about those ships to both mislead them on the true capabilities (and consequently that of the GA) but have enough support to keep building them.
Re: The warship was built by Carlocci Industries at Erewhon.
Post by tlb   » Thu Jun 06, 2024 1:21 pm

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ThinksMarkedly wrote:The Carlucci Industries ships are the first new design using the learnings from the GA outside of the GA. The Andermani had copied some things, especially for the Adler-class SD(P)s, but those ships were later retrofitted by the RMN and, of course, they are now part of the GA. When we see the Carlucci ships in action, we do see that they're not yet of the same level of the GA ships, but IIRC they were also limited by ammunition: Maya was supplied by the RMN with surplus Mk13 (I think). I don't think we have yet seen the BC design in action, and the SDs were definitely not complete.

We also see that Roszak and Barregos passed just enough information back to the SLN about those ships to both mislead them on the true capabilities (and consequently that of the GA) but have enough support to keep building them.

Erewhon had the improved compensator, but not the mini-fusion reactor. The missiles that Erewhon can produce are the single drive extended range models ("she carried the Mark-17-E, the Erewhon-built version of the Manticoran Mark-14 missile") and that was what Rozak used to fight. It looks as though the fighting was done by Warriors, Marksmans and Masquerades and I could not find anything about a Defiant class (so what I said earlier should have been about the Marksman-class).

I took a look at the fan Wiki to see about this Defiant-class. This is what it said:
Defiant class
The Defiant class was a class of battlecruisers being constructed for the exclusive use of the Erewhon Navy and the Mayan Autonomous Regional Sector Navy.

The first units of the class were expected to commission in January 1922 (SI4)

Known ships of the class
SLNS Defiant
SLNS Sharpshooter
Note that ToF says that Sharpshooter is a Light Cruiser of the Marksman-class and I cannot find a ship named the Defiant in that book.
Re: The warship was built by Carlocci Industries at Erewhon.
Post by Theemile   » Thu Jun 06, 2024 2:34 pm

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tlb wrote:
samsonwilliams wrote:Reading about the warships built at Erewhon by Carlocci Industries for Maya.

Are there any details? I read that they laid down or built SD(P).

Warrior class DD, Marksman class CL and Defiant class BC (are these BC(P)?).

Welcome to the forum. When you get to Torch of Freedom in your reading, you will find descriptions of the Carlucci ships and see them in action.

The Marksman class cruiser is not a pod carrier, but it has the fire control to handle large numbers of missiles. However the missiles are in pods delivered by the Masquerade class ammunition carrier (a purpose built freighter).

Edited to change Defiant class to Marksman class, since I did not find information about a BC.

The Mascarade class is actually a modification of the Starhauler class freighter from a Silesian shipyard - the stats for the basic Starhauler (but not the 25Kton cargo modules the weapons and defenses were installed into), were available with SITS.
RFC said "refitting a Beowulfan SD to Manticoran standards would be just as difficult as refitting a standard SLN SD to those standards. In other words, it would be cheaper and faster to build new ships."
Re: The warship was built by Carlocci Industries at Erewhon.
Post by ThinksMarkedly   » Thu Jun 06, 2024 3:40 pm

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tlb wrote:I took a look at the fan Wiki to see about this Defiant-class. This is what it said:
Defiant class
The Defiant class was a class of battlecruisers being constructed for the exclusive use of the Erewhon Navy and the Mayan Autonomous Regional Sector Navy.

The first units of the class were expected to commission in January 1922 (SI4)

Known ships of the class
SLNS Defiant
SLNS Sharpshooter
Note that ToF says that Sharpshooter is a Light Cruiser of the Marksman-class and I cannot find a ship named the Defiant in that book.

Sharpshooter is definitely a Marksman-class CL. We've seen her in action and, like you noticed, the entire Battle of Torch was done with lighter units against the PNiE fielding BCs.

Also the naming scheme fits. The ships of the class are all named after projectile-shooting positions (marksman, sharpshooter, archer, artillerist, gunner, ranger, sniper).

So the wiki is wrong. It's also saying that all 14 PNiE BCs were destroyed, but I remember something about the RTN having kept some, but being unable to put them into service due to lack of manpower and doctrine. Though the same could be said about CAs, given that at the time the RTN only had frigates of their own.
Re: The warship was built by Carlocci Industries at Erewhon.
Post by Robert_A_Woodward   » Fri Jun 07, 2024 1:57 am

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tlb wrote:
ThinksMarkedly wrote:The Carlucci Industries ships are the first new design using the learnings from the GA outside of the GA. The Andermani had copied some things, especially for the Adler-class SD(P)s, but those ships were later retrofitted by the RMN and, of course, they are now part of the GA. When we see the Carlucci ships in action, we do see that they're not yet of the same level of the GA ships, but IIRC they were also limited by ammunition: Maya was supplied by the RMN with surplus Mk13 (I think). I don't think we have yet seen the BC design in action, and the SDs were definitely not complete.

We also see that Roszak and Barregos passed just enough information back to the SLN about those ships to both mislead them on the true capabilities (and consequently that of the GA) but have enough support to keep building them.

Erewhon had the improved compensator, but not the mini-fusion reactor. The missiles that Erewhon can produce are the single drive extended range models ("she carried the Mark-17-E, the Erewhon-built version of the Manticoran Mark-14 missile") and that was what Rozak used to fight. It looks as though the fighting was done by Warriors, Marksmans and Masquerades and I could not find anything about a Defiant class (so what I said earlier should have been about the Marksman-class).

I took a look at the fan Wiki to see about this Defiant-class. This is what it said:
Defiant class
The Defiant class was a class of battlecruisers being constructed for the exclusive use of the Erewhon Navy and the Mayan Autonomous Regional Sector Navy.

The first units of the class were expected to commission in January 1922 (SI4)

Known ships of the class
SLNS Defiant
SLNS Sharpshooter
Note that ToF says that Sharpshooter is a Light Cruiser of the Marksman-class and I cannot find a ship named the Defiant in that book.

You should look in chapter 24 of _Shadow of Victory_. There is a new "Sharpshooter" and it is a battlecruiser (originally was supposed to be named "Defiance" but was renamed after the Battle of Torch).
Beowulf was bad.
(first sentence of Chapter VI of _Space Viking_ by H. Beam Piper)
Re: The warship was built by Carlocci Industries at Erewhon.
Post by tlb   » Fri Jun 07, 2024 9:29 am

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Robert_A_Woodward wrote:You should look in chapter 24 of _Shadow of Victory_. There is a new "Sharpshooter" and it is a battlecruiser (originally was supposed to be named "Defiance" but was renamed after the Battle of Torch).

You are correct, apologies because my searchable text only runs through Mission of Honor (from that CD). In chapter 24 of Shadow of Victory there is mention of pod-layer battlecruisers of the Defiant class being built at Erewhon, and one of them is the Sharpshooter (named in honor of the light cruiser destroyed in the Battle of Torch). The Mayan Sector will even be given older models of the Mark 16 missile that Manticore no longer considers essential.

Special apologies to the fan wiki; if I had clicked on the Sharpshooter entry, rather than prematurely thinking it was wrong, then I would have seen this:
SLNS Sharpshooter, formerly designated SLNS Defiance, was a Defiant class pod-laying battlecruiser of the Maya Sector Detachment.

Renamed in honor of the Marksman class light cruiser SLNS Sharpshooter destroyed in the Second Battle of Congo, she was four weeks from her builder's trails in late 1921 PD with an expected commissioning date of January 1922 PD and designated to be Admiral Luis Rozsak's flagship. (SI4)
Re: The warship was built by Carlocci Industries at Erewhon.
Post by Theemile   » Mon Jun 17, 2024 8:42 am

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ThinksMarkedly wrote:
It's also saying that all 14 PNiE BCs were destroyed, but I remember something about the RTN having kept some, but being unable to put them into service due to lack of manpower and doctrine. Though the same could be said about CAs, given that at the time the RTN only had frigates of their own.

Only 5 CAs, 3 CLs and 15? DDs survived the battle of Torch from the PNIE fleet (no BCs survived). The DDs were Solarian designs, and not gifted to Torch, while the 5 CAs and 3 CLs were ex-Havenite ships and given to torch as they could not be explained in a Solarian Fleet. Presumedly, those DDs were used as replacements for the lost Mayan ships at Torch.

RFC said "refitting a Beowulfan SD to Manticoran standards would be just as difficult as refitting a standard SLN SD to those standards. In other words, it would be cheaper and faster to build new ships."

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