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Re: ?
Post by penny   » Mon May 06, 2024 7:41 pm

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I want to pause for a moment for contemplation. Does anyone else realize what has happened in the HV?

It is obvious to me that mankind has achieved what Einstein could not. Someone has succeeded in producing a Grand Unified Theory of equations.

Grand Unified Theory (GUT) is any model in particle physics that merges the electromagnetic, weak, and strong forces (the three gauge interactions of the Standard Model) into a single force at high energies.

Some of David's technology also seems to suggest that gravity has been added to the mix and a Theory of Everything has been solved. That is the direction I was headed in the SLN, and MAlign playing catch up with Manticoran superiority thread, where a very ambitious post is lurking. It is why I state unequivocally that the alpha wall is a construct of very concentrated energy, whereby the weak gravitational force is no longer weak and it interacts with all of the other forces at very high energies.

Unifying gravity with the electronuclear interaction would provide a more comprehensive theory of everything (TOE) rather than a Grand Unified Theory. Thus, GUTs are often seen as an intermediate step towards a TOE.

Someone suggested that a new force has been created in the HV, or is present in hyperspace. I, OTOH, rather believe it isn't so much a new force, but a recombining* of all forces creating an entirely new 'effect.'

* Recombining, because it is believed that at the moment of the Big Bang the forces were as one. And if a Theory of Everything is a reality, then all versions of the phrase 'If you can conceive of it, then you can do it' really rings true. The Mesan Alignment as a species of alphas playing with a Theory of Everything frightens me.

The artist formerly known as cthia.

Now I can talk in the third person.
Re: ?
Post by tlb   » Mon May 06, 2024 7:55 pm

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penny wrote:Some of David's technology also seems to suggest that gravity has been added to the mix and a Theory of Everything has been solved.

The Grand Theory of Everything in the Honorverse is that the author is in charge of everything and gets to decide what works and why. The Malign may get to play in the result, but they are still under his control.
Re: ?
Post by Daryl   » Tue May 07, 2024 3:24 am

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tlb wrote:
penny wrote:Some of David's technology also seems to suggest that gravity has been added to the mix and a Theory of Everything has been solved.

The Grand Theory of Everything in the Honorverse is that the author is in charge of everything and gets to decide what works and why. The Malign may get to play in the result, but they are still under his control.

Totally true. However I also point out that the HV is about as far up time of us, as we are of the Ancient Greeks.
Who knows as to what may be discovered over the next few millennia?
Been over fifty years since I did my first Uni Degree, but I have kept up with developments. To me it seems agonisingly close to finding the missing link between the mathematical models.
Re: ?
Post by tlb   » Tue May 07, 2024 9:26 am

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penny wrote:Some of David's technology also seems to suggest that gravity has been added to the mix and a Theory of Everything has been solved.

tlb wrote:The Grand Theory of Everything in the Honorverse is that the author is in charge of everything and gets to decide what works and why. The Malign may get to play in the result, but they are still under his control.

Daryl wrote:Totally true. However I also point out that the HV is about as far up time of us, as we are of the Ancient Greeks.
Who knows as to what may be discovered over the next few millennia?
Been over fifty years since I did my first Uni Degree, but I have kept up with developments. To me it seems agonisingly close to finding the missing link between the mathematical models.

That is assuming the Honorverse is a possible future of our universe, instead of an alternate story that contains things impossible for us. Certainly we find it difficult to imagine what might be known in two thousand years, but then people who tried to predict the present day from fifty to a hundred years ago had ideas that were hilariously wrong.

PS: One possible solution to the Fermi Paradox is that every sufficiently advanced civilization so far, has destroyed itself before reaching the stars.
Re: ?
Post by penny   » Tue May 07, 2024 10:34 am

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penny wrote:I agree that it shouldn't be possible to wrap a ship in such a massive gravity field without it affecting the ship. But it also shouldn't be possible to use a gravity field so concentrated that it can contain a reactor failure (like what happens with containment fields) without that concentrated gravity affecting the mechanism that is producing it. So, whatever breakthroughs in material and technology that enables concentrated gravity to be used as a containment field without interacting with the mechanism can simply be adapted in a large scale fashion.

Jonathan_S wrote:The reactors are said to be "GRAVMAK" using a combination of gravity and electromagnetic confinement. They don't have to hold in electrically neutral photons, just the electrically charged plasma - and the gravity assist the EM fields in that.

But even without that assistance, the gravity necessary to hold in fusing plasma is vastly less than the gravity needed to hold in photons. (All stars hold in fusing plasma, only the vastly stronger black holes capture photons)

Also, Honorverse grav generators seem to be able to create gravity that pushes away from them. So it's possible that the emitters on the reactor are on the outside - while the gravity is primarily affecting just the plasma inside its hollow center -- keeping the physical structure from being subjected to that massive force. Something a ship attempting to put a grav field around itself couldn't duplicate -- because, well, it is at the center.

penny wrote:But I am thinking that if the several tractors can each cut a hole in local space, if the effect of those tractors can combined to produce the effects at a single point in local space then perhaps a singularity can be formed that is the sum of the total. And the event horizon of such an accumulated source of several concentrated beams of gravity might extend beyond the ship. As a very concentrated single point of highly concentrated gravity produces a circumference of concentrated gravity represented by the event horizon of a black hole.
I don't think that's how spider nodes, or tractors, work. But I admit we don't have enough detail to be 100% certain.

penny wrote: I am glad you brought up GRAVMAK. I was going there in another thread.

Solving both of the Theories can account for a force pushing, and also the grabbing of the alpha wall. The pieces of the puzzle first started coming together in the 'Attacking Darius' thread, I believe, where you also brought up GRAVMAK. It had been fomenting on my brain ever since I heard about 'gravity pinch laser focusing' or something? I said to myself, 'Self, this sounds like the Grand Unified Field Theory has been solved.'

Later I realized that gravity is included in the mix. All of it has been fomenting inside my head.

****** *

tlb wrote:The Grand Theory of Everything in the Honorverse is that the author is in charge of everything and gets to decide what works and why. The Malign may get to play in the result, but they are still under his control.


There is a Grand Unified Theory that is concerned with unifying the three fundamental forces into one equation, minus gravity.

Then there is the Theory of Everything which is concerned with unifying the three fundamental forces into one equation, plus gravity.

It is incorrect to refer to a Grand Theory of Everything, rather than simply the Theory of Everything.

Besides, the statement about the author is a fact. Facts are not theories.*

*Although, that fact might fall apart at one point in local space. The point being Honor Harrington. She has become a force of her own. A runaway reactor that resists containment fields. The author cannot destroy her. Lest he destroys his own Universe.

The artist formerly known as cthia.

Now I can talk in the third person.
Re: ?
Post by tlb   » Tue May 07, 2024 11:14 am

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tlb wrote:The Grand Theory of Everything in the Honorverse is that the author is in charge of everything and gets to decide what works and why. The Malign may get to play in the result, but they are still under his control.

penny wrote:FYI:

There is a Grand Unified Theory that is concerned with unifying the three fundamental forces into one equation, minus gravity.

Then there is the Theory of Everything which is concerned with unifying the three fundamental forces into one equation, plus gravity.

It is incorrect to refer to a Grand Theory of Everything, rather than simply the Theory of Everything.

Since we do not have a theory of everything, there is no way for you to say I was incorrect (except personal preference, of course). Suppose the ToE turns out like Einstein and Relativity and there is both a Special Theory of Everything and a General (or Grand) Theory of Everything. But even if it is ToE, research is not going to stop and the next theory after could be a Grand Theory of Everything.

In any case there may be a Theory of Everything in the Honorverse and by including the author we then get the Grand Theory of Everything.

PS: If the Theory of Everything only unites the three forces with gravity, then a Grand Theory of Everything might take that ToE and unify it with Quantum Mechanics.
Re: ?
Post by penny   » Wed May 08, 2024 8:53 am

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I sure am glad we all took a moment for contemplation. After further consideration, I made a big mistake. Huge. I must have allowed myself to be talked into having a few drinks with the drunken wiki. But first, let us cycle back around to several posts …

penny wrote:
I also wonder, since an LD can produce intense fields of concentrated gravity, if a field of concentrated gravity can be placed around the entire ship that acts like a black hole absorbing the telltale bleed of the sails when exiting hyper.

Markusschaber wrote:
I think that one cannot produce such a field while still transitioning. If you're not yet in normal space, you cannot prevent bleeding in normal space.

And that kind of concentrated gravity should be easily visible on grav sensors, I guess.

penny wrote:
But what about the wedge? Then one shouldn't be able to produce the wedge either. The wedge is also a band of concentrated gravity. The wedge just doesn't encompass the entire ship.

Wait. The bleeding only occurs when the ship enters n-space, no? The sails are causing the bleed, which implies the sails must be in n-space, which implies the ship must be in n-space?

Jonathan_S wrote:
My impression is that the ship, along with its wedge or sail, makes the transition all together -- one instant none of it in is n-space, the next instance all of it is.

The sails then bleed off their excess energy - but that seems to be a bleeding of photons (so moving at lightspeed) and not the source of the emergence flare's FTL ripples. We don't know whether wedges have a similar kind of energy bleed; but the massive distorting effect they have on photons would mean it wouldn't be the awe inspiring sight of disks hundreds of km in diameter brightly (if briefly) glowing.

We know the emergency flare is affected by the energy that's carried across the hyperwall -- a function of ship mass and ship velocity (well, presumably, of velocity squared). A full speed crash translation it going to produce a vastly more obvious flare than if you'd slowed down to a relative stop before transitioning.

tlb wrote:
You say "intense fields of concentrated gravity", but the tractor beams are not anywhere near as strong as either the wedge or the sail; so there is NO chance that they can hide the effects of exiting hyper.

penny wrote:
I am sure you are correct. However, even if the tractor beams are nowhere near as powerful as the wedge, they are powerful enough to punch a hole in local space. To me that is very significant. Sounds like a mini local black hole to me.

And just like markusschaber stated above, that kind of concentrated gravity should be easily detected by grav sensors. But not only does textev say it is not detected, IINM, it also says it does not cause a visible distortion. If photons are not being bent and / or the effects of the tractors are not visible in the vicinity, then perhaps the intense gravity is trapping local photons, like a black hole / singularity.

Hence, that whole phenomenon might be exploited, and the intense gravity can surround the ship preventing the downward bleed by trapping the photons.

Jonathan_S wrote:
Actually, thinking about, it even if you could wrap the ship in a grav effect I don't think that would capture or suppress the emergence flare. We've never seen a wedge or any other grav effect absorb, deflect, weaken, or in any way affect the FTL ripples moving along the hyper wall -- whether generated by an FTL comm, a wedge, or a sail. Because those signals aren't carried by particles in normal spacetime there's no particular reason to expect even extreme gravity to affect them.

If you could wrap the emerging ship in a black hole level of gravity the photons of its emergence might not be visible (unless they escaped before the event horizon could form and trap them) -- but, far all we know, the FTL ripples (caused by the energy transferring through the hyper wall) might continue unimpeded. (Or might not)

That said, even the Honorverse can't create grav that powerful -- and you probably couldn't wrap a ship entire inside a gravity effect without subjecting the ship itself to that gravity. If its strong enough to eat photons its more than strong enough to instantly destroy the ship. But since they can't produce grav powerful enough to eat photons that seems moot.
Pardon my boldness

And here is where my inebriated state of mind caused by hanging out with the drunken wiki seduced me into making a huge mistake. Shocking! :o :oops: :shock:

penny wrote:
I'm thinking the FTL ripples will continue on and be detected, but it won't be accompanied by a brilliant flare. Thus, the entire phenomena might be ruled as a malfunction, an anomaly, or a ship that has exploded.

I agree that it shouldn't be possible to wrap a ship in such a massive gravity field without it affecting the ship. But it also shouldn't be possible to use a gravity field so concentrated that it can contain a reactor failure (like what happens with containment fields) without that concentrated gravity affecting the mechanism that is producing it. So, whatever breakthroughs in material and technology that enables concentrated gravity to be used as a containment field without interacting with the mechanism can simply be adapted in a large scale fashion.

But I am thinking that if the several tractors can each cut a hole in local space, if the effect of those tractors can combine to produce the effects at a single point in local space then perhaps a singularity can be formed that is the sum of the total. And the event horizon of such an accumulated source of several concentrated beams of gravity might extend beyond the ship. As a very concentrated single point of highly concentrated gravity produces a circumference of concentrated gravity represented by the event horizon of a black hole.

Along with light. Grav waves do not escape the maws of a black hole. Nothing does! That fact makes it difficult to study black holes because they do not emit any information that can be studied. Light, and grav waves, would be information.

So, in shocking conclusion, an LD very well might be able to completely hide the emergency from hyper! No bleed of the sails or FTL ripples will occur!

References: Found in local space.

We describe the formation of a black hole via the implosion of an axisymmetric gravitational wave. Finite difference simulations of the vacuum Einstein equations are used to obtain these results. The initial data consist of nearly linear solutions to the vacuum constraint equations that represent even-parity, ingoing wave packets with quadrupole angular dependence. A black hole is demonstrated to form as a result of imploding a wave packet with a sufficiently large value of a strength parameter, ... D.46.R4117

Geon (physics)

In general relativity, a geon is a nonsingular electromagnetic or gravitational wave which is held together in a confined region by the gravitational attraction of its own field energy. They were first investigated theoretically in 1955 by J. A. Wheeler, who coined the term as a contraction of "gravitational electromagnetic entity".[1] -wiki

Fact: in a black hole, all of the mass is concentrated at the singularity at the very center. Fact: every black hole singularity is surrounded by an event horizon. Nothing can escape from within the event horizon unless it can travel faster than light. Fact: gravity travels at the speed of light.

The artist formerly known as cthia.

Now I can talk in the third person.
Re: ?
Post by tlb   » Wed May 08, 2024 9:09 am

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Posts: 4277
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penny wrote:Along with light. Grav waves do not escape the maws of a black hole. Nothing does! That fact makes it difficult to study black holes because they do not emit any information that can be studied. Light, and grav waves, would be information.

So, in shocking conclusion, an LD very well might be able to completely hide the emergency from hyper! No bleed of the sails or FTL ripples will occur!

But there is gravity from a black hole outside of the event horizon. The ripple on the Alpha wall forms during the transition, before your imaginary "black hole" is formed (since the transition uses sails). The only thing "shocking" is that you are still promoting this. The tractor beams are not strong enough to do what you want.
Re: ?
Post by Jonathan_S   » Wed May 08, 2024 9:13 am

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penny wrote:Along with light. Grav waves do not escape the maws of a black hole. Nothing does! That fact makes it difficult to study black holes because they do not emit any information that can be studied. Light, and grav waves, would be information.

So, in shocking conclusion, an LD very well might be able to completely hide the emergency from hyper! No bleed of the sails or FTL ripples will occur!

References: Found in local space.

We describe the formation of a black hole via the implosion of an axisymmetric gravitational wave. Finite difference simulations of the vacuum Einstein equations are used to obtain these results. The initial data consist of nearly linear solutions to the vacuum constraint equations that represent even-parity, ingoing wave packets with quadrupole angular dependence. A black hole is demonstrated to form as a result of imploding a wave packet with a sufficiently large value of a strength parameter, ... D.46.R4117

Geon (physics)

In general relativity, a geon is a nonsingular electromagnetic or gravitational wave which is held together in a confined region by the gravitational attraction of its own field energy. They were first investigated theoretically in 1955 by J. A. Wheeler, who coined the term as a contraction of "gravitational electromagnetic entity".[1] -wiki

Fact: in a black hole, all of the mass is concentrated at the singularity at the very center. Fact: every black hole singularity is surrounded by an event horizon. Nothing can escape from within the event horizon unless it can travel faster than light. Fact: gravity travels at the speed of light.

A) What David Weber calls 'grav waves' (ripples moving along the alpha wall - at the speed of light in the Alpha bands, 62c) are NOT the same as the gravitational wave (stretching and compressing in space-time) that, for example, LIGO can detect - which move at the speed of light. Real physics gravitational waves are absorbed by a black hole -- but Honorverse grav waves?
There's no evidence whether a black hole would affect the alpha wall, or ripples moving along it. (might, might not. up to RFC)

B) Honorverse tech can't produce black hole levels of gravity anyway -- making the question rather moot. (They can't even produce sufficient gravity to make neutronium -- which is far, far, below the level of gravity you need for a black hole.

C) If the LD could somehow wrap itself in a black hole; then how it is surviving or escaping?
Re: ?
Post by penny   » Wed May 08, 2024 9:42 am

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tlb wrote:
penny wrote:Along with light. Grav waves do not escape the maws of a black hole. Nothing does! That fact makes it difficult to study black holes because they do not emit any information that can be studied. Light, and grav waves, would be information.

So, in shocking conclusion, an LD very well might be able to completely hide the emergency from hyper! No bleed of the sails or FTL ripples will occur!

But there is gravity from a black hole outside of the event horizon.

Of course there is. The entire system contains gravity. But the gravity near the black hole is affecting the photons that are near it. One cannot venture too closely to the event horizon.

tlb wrote:The ripple on the Alpha wall forms during the transition, before your imaginary "black hole" is formed (since the transition uses sails). The only thing "shocking" is that you are still promoting this. The tractor beams are not strong enough to do what you want.

Out of your own mouth, I thought the author is in control of that. The tractor beams might not be able to do that, individually. But collectively they may. Since each of them is already powerful enough to punch a hole in n-space.

Moreover, a concerted effort might draw even more power from hyper. At very high energies, the matter of matter and gravity behaves quite differently.

In the exchange between markusschaber and I, I made it clear that the black hole around the ship would be formed while in hyper. Since a wedge exists in hyper.

The artist formerly known as cthia.

Now I can talk in the third person.

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