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The transtellars in the verge and protectorates

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Re: The transtellars in the verge and protectorates
Post by Theemile   » Thu Feb 15, 2024 12:26 pm

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ThinksMarkedly wrote:
Captain Golding wrote:Given the Success of Pods why not do away with the Larger tubes and provide an "external" POD Rack Space to carry Pods of Mk16's to supliment the Bow and stern tubes. Servicing the PODS may be a vacume operation restricted to N Space which would be less effective than the pod bays but I am sure that the needs to service pods has been reduced over the first generation.

External-only pods will probably be a bad idea. Limpeted pods are known to obscure sensors (and the other tubes), so they have to be employed on the first shot. They're good to make a big Alpha Launch at an enemy, but that's not a good solution for a ship if it's also the only shot it can fire. And mind you, even if it could decide to not fire all of them, it has to finish firing them all before the enemy missiles arrive, due to proximity kills.

I Do think a Stretched Roland with room for 30~40 Marines would be a good idea. Also the Rolands carry room for a Flag Staff and Deck - if that was stripped out and repurposed (Even if in new builds) how big a Marine contingent could be shipped ?

That seems to be the direction the RMN is going to: the minimum viable combatant is something bigger than a Roland, which probably means the destroyer type itself is not long-term viable. So we should be talking about light cruisers here.

going from MAXXQ's drawings, a current Manty Pod is roughly 19x19x7 meters. A Roland has a length of 446m, a beam of 54m and a Draft of 45m, and a Chanson has a Length of 367m a beam of 43 and Draft of 25. While Rolands have more space inside their compensated volume to haul limpeted pods, Pods still take up lots of real estate. even if you were able to clear a space of other hardware and mount an exterior rack, it would be hard to find space to hold more than 1 or 2 pods - and stealing that much space would be at the cost of something (Firecontrol, sensors, sidewalls, etc.) as mentioned above.

If you are intending to get rid of tubes all together, and just rely on pods in a pod bay, anything smaller than a BC is just too small to carry (and fire) sufficient pods to make a difference - a 20 Pod bay launching just one pod at a time is 140m long (about 1/3rd of length of the Roland), has a the same firing rate (12 per salvo for the all Mk 25 pod version) and magazine size as the Roland, but places all the weapons in one basket, and can't fire a salvo size smaller than 12.

Besides, I'm fairly certain that even a single pod can't fit through a Roland's node ring.
RFC said "refitting a Beowulfan SD to Manticoran standards would be just as difficult as refitting a standard SLN SD to those standards. In other words, it would be cheaper and faster to build new ships."
Re: The transtellars in the verge and protectorates
Post by Brigade XO   » Sat Feb 17, 2024 1:07 am

Brigade XO
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I doubt that Kingsford & company is going to let any FF officers with their ships decide to leave the SLN and become part of a local SDF for a system- either former SL system or former Protectorate of OFS. They are going to want to maintain control of what they have left of SLN ships. If nothing else they can be stripped of usable gear/parts and reprocessed for new construction. Any ship that refuses to "come in" on the recall orders (or wherever they are told to go under new orders) has effectively mutinied against the SLN and will need to be hunted down before it has a chance to cause more problems. Going AWOL with a warship doesn't would be a good indicator that the people involved were going to be up to no good.

It is possible that some of the older ships could be sold or traded to systems as part of negotiations to stay linked to the shrunken SL under various treaties and that SLN officers and crews that would otherwise be out of a job with the new situation but that is also something that would need to be vetted through the SLN since you would want both competent and trustworthy officers (to the new SL) to be involved.

One part of the equation would have to include what the ability and capacity of any system that gained a legitimate possession of a former SLN ship to keep it in repair and pay for replacements parts etc.
Re: The transtellars in the verge and protectorates
Post by tlb   » Sat Feb 17, 2024 3:01 pm

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Brigade XO wrote:I doubt that Kingsford & company is going to let any FF officers with their ships decide to leave the SLN and become part of a local SDF for a system- either former SL system or former Protectorate of OFS. They are going to want to maintain control of what they have left of SLN ships. If nothing else they can be stripped of usable gear/parts and reprocessed for new construction. Any ship that refuses to "come in" on the recall orders (or wherever they are told to go under new orders) has effectively mutinied against the SLN and will need to be hunted down before it has a chance to cause more problems. Going AWOL with a warship doesn't would be a good indicator that the people involved were going to be up to no good.

It is possible that some of the older ships could be sold or traded to systems as part of negotiations to stay linked to the shrunken SL under various treaties and that SLN officers and crews that would otherwise be out of a job with the new situation but that is also something that would need to be vetted through the SLN since you would want both competent and trustworthy officers (to the new SL) to be involved.

One part of the equation would have to include what the ability and capacity of any system that gained a legitimate possession of a former SLN ship to keep it in repair and pay for replacements parts etc.

I think this is plausible. The only caveat would be that the new League Navy would need to coordinate with the Grand Alliance, because of the territorial limitations on their activities that Honor imposed. However I do not think this is a problem, because the new SLN is already operating more widely with the GA's agreement.
Re: The transtellars in the verge and protectorates
Post by ThinksMarkedly   » Sat Feb 17, 2024 4:30 pm

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Brigade XO wrote:I doubt that Kingsford & company is going to let any FF officers with their ships decide to leave the SLN and become part of a local SDF for a system- either former SL system or former Protectorate of OFS. They are going to want to maintain control of what they have left of SLN ships. If nothing else they can be stripped of usable gear/parts and reprocessed for new construction. Any ship that refuses to "come in" on the recall orders (or wherever they are told to go under new orders) has effectively mutinied against the SLN and will need to be hunted down before it has a chance to cause more problems. Going AWOL with a warship doesn't would be a good indicator that the people involved were going to be up to no good.

It is possible that some of the older ships could be sold or traded to systems as part of negotiations to stay linked to the shrunken SL under various treaties and that SLN officers and crews that would otherwise be out of a job with the new situation but that is also something that would need to be vetted through the SLN since you would want both competent and trustworthy officers (to the new SL) to be involved.

One part of the equation would have to include what the ability and capacity of any system that gained a legitimate possession of a former SLN ship to keep it in repair and pay for replacements parts etc.

I also agree that this would be Kingford's interest. He doesn't want to have a sudden brain-drain of officers, especially of his few good ones. Moreover, he won't know at the time that a ship refuses to return to port whether they are being good guys to work for a local system, or going warlord. So he has to try and enforce the return.

Whether he can is a completely different story. There are what, 10,000 FF units out there? He doesn't have the ships to hunt down the rogue FF units. No one has, in fact, not if they all refuse to come home. So some will slip through the cracks and, as discussed above, if they stay on the good side of the GA, the GA won't have an interest in hunting them down.

For those, maybe Kingsford and the New League only require the ship itself to be returned, with its complement of armament, and ensure that all crew are given the opportunity to relocate back into the League or to their home systems, but he won't otherwise prosecute the officers and crew that decide to take up residence in this system they're protecting. The system would then need to acquire proper, export ships from either the GA or from the League suppliers. But they'll have had a couple of years of training and also to figure out the supply chain challenges.
Re: The transtellars in the verge and protectorates
Post by Theemile   » Mon Feb 19, 2024 11:15 am

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Brigade XO wrote:I doubt that Kingsford & company is going to let any FF officers with their ships decide to leave the SLN and become part of a local SDF for a system- either former SL system or former Protectorate of OFS. They are going to want to maintain control of what they have left of SLN ships. If nothing else they can be stripped of usable gear/parts and reprocessed for new construction. Any ship that refuses to "come in" on the recall orders (or wherever they are told to go under new orders) has effectively mutinied against the SLN and will need to be hunted down before it has a chance to cause more problems. Going AWOL with a warship doesn't would be a good indicator that the people involved were going to be up to no good.

It is possible that some of the older ships could be sold or traded to systems as part of negotiations to stay linked to the shrunken SL under various treaties and that SLN officers and crews that would otherwise be out of a job with the new situation but that is also something that would need to be vetted through the SLN since you would want both competent and trustworthy officers (to the new SL) to be involved.

One part of the equation would have to include what the ability and capacity of any system that gained a legitimate possession of a former SLN ship to keep it in repair and pay for replacements parts etc.

I think it is important to state here that we have not seen any evidence of SLN ships breaking away due to ties to OFS or transstellars, other than in the Mesa Sector. All the SLN Frontier Fleet vessels and crews have behaved as parts of the central navy, even if their regional higher command authority was working hand in hand with OFS and the transstellars. Personally, I don't see vary many FF ships disobeying orders and following the Transstellars or going private. If the leadership tried, most crews would mutinity.
RFC said "refitting a Beowulfan SD to Manticoran standards would be just as difficult as refitting a standard SLN SD to those standards. In other words, it would be cheaper and faster to build new ships."
Re: The transtellars in the verge and protectorates
Post by saber964   » Mon Mar 25, 2024 2:01 am


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markusschaber wrote:IMHO, regarding the transtellars, several things will happen in parallel:

1) The GA will patrol some areas (there's textev, IIRC), supporting local governments.

2) Other forces like the Anderman Empire, the newly independent Maya sector or the Renaissance Factor next to the SL will expand their influence and cover some areas. Also think of smaller, but self sustaining nations similar to the Republic of Monica - they can also build alliances with their neighbours (former protectorates) - military protection as the price for political influence and better trade conditions.

3) Some worlds will leave the SL and form local alliances with their neighbours, which may include former protectorates (similar to Beowulf and their neighbours, but closer to the edge). Most of the ex SL worlds have system defence forces, which can temporarily also cover their new allied neighbours, till they build their own SDF.

5) The transtellars with headquarters within the SL have to obey the new rules, and probably also those which have considerable business with the SL (or they risk embargoes). This ought to be the majority of all transtellars - I can't imagine a transtellar using OFS to enslave protectorates without having headquarters or considerable business with "regular" SL worlds.

6) Transtellars will try to keep their trading and business, hiring mercenaries to protect their trade with the former protectorates against pirates.

Yes, this will not cover 100%, and there will be lots of fallout till everything works out - but AFAICS, the perspective for the future looks better than being OFS protectorate...

The GA will be looking to unload some of there older manpower intensive units. Plus they are going to have plenty of early block LACs to sell. Most star system can be adequately policed with a few squadrons of LACs to maybe a full wing or two of them. Remember a single Shrike has sufficient firepower to handle a destroyer.
Re: The transtellars in the verge and protectorates
Post by markusschaber   » Mon Mar 25, 2024 7:55 am


Posts: 152
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Theemile wrote:I think it is important to state here that we have not seen any evidence of SLN ships breaking away due to ties to OFS or transstellars, other than in the Mesa Sector. All the SLN Frontier Fleet vessels and crews have behaved as parts of the central navy, even if their regional higher command authority was working hand in hand with OFS and the transstellars. Personally, I don't see vary many FF ships disobeying orders and following the Transstellars or going private. If the leadership tried, most crews would mutinity.

I think the Frontier Fleet will remain mostly intact. There's enough for them to do even in the shrunk solarian league, and I remember a constant "not enough ships here" about the FF.

And for their main tasks (fighting piracy, slave trade, criminals etc.) they're still up to the task.

It's Battle Fleet which is hopelessly outdated and useless.

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