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What's to do with the Alignment?

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What's to do with the Alignment?
Post by Mycall4me   » Fri Jan 12, 2024 8:32 pm

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So I'm re reading the Honor Harrington series (prefatory to the new Toll of Honor) and I'm up to Mission of Honor. Knowing what comes up, up to To End In Fire, I still want to see those assholes die. The question is, how will it happen?

Knowing that Toll of Honor is a story from the opening phase of the Havenite war at Hancock Station, it's obvious David isn't going to start the new story arc of the Alignment vs the Alliance anytime soon. Which is a bummer. First because I forsee bad things happening before the good guys win in the end. Second is that, let's face it, David is no spring chicken, and he has ALL KINDS of OTHER projects that hes working on, or is commited to.

So I want to start a thread that we all can contribute to, that explores possible avenues of the new story arc. Such as, when will the Alignment make their next move in Promethius? (Their master plan for taking over human civilisation) I'm sure that the Detweiller class of spider drive podnaughts will make quite a nasty splash in their opening attacks. The question is, how will David answer the question of just how the Alliance gets to grips with them?

Obviously we need to come up with some way to SEE the damn things first. I suspect that the two S's (Shannon and Sonia) will manage to come up with something to help with that. But what? According to a line in MoH the Alignment managed to develop a system to "see" the spider drive ships. Is it something the Alliance can guess at and develop? Maybe some offshoot that our advanced understanding of grav waves and theory will point to?

Or is there a possibility that some extrapolation of the location vector from the pod launced missiles will allow at least a rough guesstimation of the location of the podnaut that launchec those missiles came from? I got questions, anybody got theories?

Is it possible that the Alliance will discover the secret location of the Alignment's home system? We obviously need to take out the shipyardx that are building the replacement ships that we will hopefully be able to start taking out or we might not even bother taking them out in the first place.

We all want David to get busy on answering some of these questions, along with Safehold, the Fury universe, Sword of the South, oh MAN! David better live to 100 to be able to take care of all these things that I KNOW he already has plans for. Ask me for anything but time.

So since we have to hope that David will have the time to do all this, in the meantime help me out with some brainstorming on HOW we might guess where it's going to go. Let's make this one of those multi page threads.
Re: What's to do with the Alignment?
Post by tlb   » Fri Jan 12, 2024 10:02 pm

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Like you, I want to have answers; however unlike you, I only want to read the author's answers.

There are people in the forum that have written a lot in various threads about what they expect next. Since the Renaissance Factor is guarding the wormhole to Darius, we might expect to see them unmasked at some point. However that does not get us to Darius, since we have been told that an assault through a wormhole is probably not practical. I believe Penny (nee Cthia) has many scenarios scattered around.

I just hope the author can supply the finish while I am around to read it.
Re: What's to do with the Alignment?
Post by Maldorian   » Sun Jan 14, 2024 5:22 pm

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First of all, the Alliance got the decoy Galton system. They had some pretty got stealth tec there. I am sure, the alliance will use the tec to improve their own stealth but also, to improve their ability to see through stealth.

The recoinisounce factor.

A collection of 150 systems who declared independence shortly after the victory of the alliance at Sol? Do you know how much time it takes to form an alliance with so much members? You need years of neogitations, and that in secret. An alliance out of nowhere is suspicious.

Maybe they had a cover organisation like the "agriculture alliance" where goverment officials meet to discuss agriculture related topics and in the backrooms are the real neogitations. But still, the timing is suspicious.

Audry o hannahan

Audrey know about Honor´s emathy ability, so it a good guess, the alinement know, too. Wouldn´t that make honor and the treecats kidnapping targets to add Emphaty to the Human genome?
Re: What's to do with the Alignment?
Post by tlb   » Sun Jan 14, 2024 5:33 pm

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Maldorian wrote:First of all, the Alliance got the decoy Galton system. They had some pretty got stealth tec there. I am sure, the alliance will use the tec to improve their own stealth but also, to improve their ability to see through stealth.

The recoinisounce factor.

A collection of 150 systems who declared independence shortly after the victory of the alliance at Sol? Do you know how much time it takes to form an alliance with so much members? You need years of neogitations, and that in secret. An alliance out of nowhere is suspicious.

Maybe they had a cover organisation like the "agriculture alliance" where goverment officials meet to discuss agriculture related topics and in the backrooms are the real neogitations. But still, the timing is suspicious.

Audry o hannahan

Audrey know about Honor´s emathy ability, so it a good guess, the alinement know, too. Wouldn´t that make honor and the treecats kidnapping targets to add Emphaty to the Human genome?

I am not sure that the stealth shown at Galton was any better than that already possessed by the Grand Alliance. If it is better, then you are correct that it will be copied.

Are you sure that the Renaissance Factor is composed of 150 systems? I thought that it was more like 15 or so (we saw all the heads of state in the RF meet with the Detweilers in one of the books). They may have been around for awhile, but just not mentioned.

Honor and Nimitz are pretty well protected. The Malign has not even been able to get its hands on a second treecat, so far as we know.
Re: What's to do with the Alignment?
Post by Theemile   » Tue Jan 16, 2024 10:07 am

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tlb wrote:
Maldorian wrote:First of all, the Alliance got the decoy Galton system. They had some pretty got stealth tec there. I am sure, the alliance will use the tec to improve their own stealth but also, to improve their ability to see through stealth.

The recoinisounce factor.

A collection of 150 systems who declared independence shortly after the victory of the alliance at Sol? Do you know how much time it takes to form an alliance with so much members? You need years of neogitations, and that in secret. An alliance out of nowhere is suspicious.

Maybe they had a cover organisation like the "agriculture alliance" where goverment officials meet to discuss agriculture related topics and in the backrooms are the real neogitations. But still, the timing is suspicious.

Audry o hannahan

Audrey know about Honor´s emathy ability, so it a good guess, the alinement know, too. Wouldn´t that make honor and the treecats kidnapping targets to add Emphaty to the Human genome?

I am not sure that the stealth shown at Galton was any better than that already possessed by the Grand Alliance. If it is better, then you are correct that it will be copied.

Are you sure that the Renaissance Factor is composed of 150 systems? I thought that it was more like 15 or so (we saw all the heads of state in the RF meet with the Detweilers in one of the books). They may have been around for awhile, but just not mentioned.

Honor and Nimitz are pretty well protected. The Malign has not even been able to get its hands on a second treecat, so far as we know.

The RF was officially 11 systems, but each was reaching out to neighbors and friends to bring them "under the protective wing" of the RF. Those systems would not know the true intent of the RF (Like the majority of the RF citizens). So we really shouldn't see any true consolidation of the RF for 10-20 years without any external factors. So those 150ish systems are just chaff hiding the wheat. And this is a case where even the Wheat... doesn't externally look like Wheat.
RFC said "refitting a Beowulfan SD to Manticoran standards would be just as difficult as refitting a standard SLN SD to those standards. In other words, it would be cheaper and faster to build new ships."
Re: What's to do with the Alignment?
Post by penny   » Tue Jan 16, 2024 11:26 am

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Posts: 1426
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tlb wrote:
Maldorian wrote:First of all, the Alliance got the decoy Galton system. They had some pretty got stealth tec there. I am sure, the alliance will use the tec to improve their own stealth but also, to improve their ability to see through stealth.

The recoinisounce factor.

A collection of 150 systems who declared independence shortly after the victory of the alliance at Sol? Do you know how much time it takes to form an alliance with so much members? You need years of neogitations, and that in secret. An alliance out of nowhere is suspicious.

Maybe they had a cover organisation like the "agriculture alliance" where goverment officials meet to discuss agriculture related topics and in the backrooms are the real neogitations. But still, the timing is suspicious.

Audry o hannahan

Audrey know about Honor´s emathy ability, so it a good guess, the alinement know, too. Wouldn´t that make honor and the treecats kidnapping targets to add Emphaty to the Human genome?

I am not sure that the stealth shown at Galton was any better than that already possessed by the Grand Alliance. If it is better, then you are correct that it will be copied.

Are you sure that the Renaissance Factor is composed of 150 systems? I thought that it was more like 15 or so (we saw all the heads of state in the RF meet with the Detweilers in one of the books). They may have been around for awhile, but just not mentioned.

Honor and Nimitz are pretty well protected. The Malign has not even been able to get its hands on a second treecat, so far as we know.

IINM, one of the officers in TEiF, I think Honor but I am not sure, stated that Galton's stealth was at least equal to but probably better than the GA's. I posted that passage somewhere.

The artist formerly known as cthia.

Now I can talk in the third person.

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