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The stupid-train goes off the rails into sheer inhumanity

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The stupid-train goes off the rails into sheer inhumanity
Post by Joat42   » Sat Aug 19, 2023 9:11 pm


Posts: 2164
Joined: Tue Apr 16, 2013 7:01 am
Location: Sweden

We have all read and heard the incessant bleating from "conservatives" how people who are/support LGTBQ have some deep dark agenda where the goal is to groom children to becomes trans. We see laws being drafted that explicitly single out LGTBQ people and their rights in various ways.

All this rhetoric is mostly based on the usual excuse "think of the children" and how trans-people must comport themselves according to their gender (I'm not going into the idiots zero understanding about sex and the bi-modality of gender), because the horror of children being exposed drag-queens and trans-people is such a serious issue means "we need to do something!".

Not long ago a certain right-wing nut-job posted an image on X-Twitter taken from one of the most despicable video-productions ever made. It depicts a child being sexually tortured, it was so horrifying when the FBI first came across this video they thought it was some kind of sick joke and not actually real.

The reason this nut-job posted this image was because he wanted to shame pedophiles. The problem with this particular CSAM is that it is only available in the darkest corners on the internet, and you can only get it if you offer up other CSAM in exchange. How he got it is still an open question.

So X-Twitter banned the account. The next day Musk unbans the account because "the image has been removed" allegedly by their Trust and Safety Team. What's missing here is that they didn't inform the FBI and NCOSE, which they are legally mandated to do.

Now comes the sheer inhumanity of the right-wing stupid-brigade which have no problems attacking LGTBQ any way they can. They defend Musk's decision and they defend the nut-job who posted this image - because apparently it's just fine to post CSAM if it's done with good intentions. I wish I was joking, but that's actually their argument in the defense of these people.

How fucking deluded do you have to be to defend posting CSAM, there is no "good intentions" here that outweighs the utter inhumanity in sexually exploiting children and the re-victimization of them by republishing images of what they were subjected to.

This is what the "conservatives" in the US has wrought, they have created idiots who think CSAM is something defensible under the right circumstances.

I'm so fucking angry I want to hit something, repeatedly.

Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

Anyone who have simple solutions for complex problems is a fool.
Re: The stupid-train goes off the rails into sheer inhumanit
Post by Daryl   » Sun Aug 20, 2023 5:24 am

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 3595
Joined: Sat Apr 24, 2010 1:57 am
Location: Queensland Australia

I'm looking at getting an EV, but Musk is rapidly tipping me away from Tesla. Freedom of speech is important, but no freedom can be absolute.
Re: The stupid-train goes off the rails into sheer inhumanit
Post by The E   » Sun Aug 20, 2023 2:34 pm

The E

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Daryl wrote:I'm looking at getting an EV, but Musk is rapidly tipping me away from Tesla. Freedom of speech is important, but no freedom can be absolute.

don't let musk talk you out of buying a tesla. let tesla's abysmal track record of bad customer service, bad manufacturing, and actual lying about features do that!
Re: The stupid-train goes off the rails into sheer inhumanit
Post by dscott8   » Sat Sep 16, 2023 3:28 pm


Posts: 791
Joined: Thu Jul 15, 2010 6:17 am

Daryl wrote:I'm looking at getting an EV, but Musk is rapidly tipping me away from Tesla. Freedom of speech is important, but no freedom can be absolute.

I took a test drive in a Kia EV6. Better and cheaper than a Tesla Model 3. I also met a woman at a Veteran's Day Parade who was proud to show off her Mustang Mach-E. She's very happy with it.

There are options beyond Tesla.
Re: The stupid-train goes off the rails into sheer inhumanit
Post by dscott8   » Sat Sep 16, 2023 3:37 pm


Posts: 791
Joined: Thu Jul 15, 2010 6:17 am

The reactionaries are all about demonizing trans people because they can no longer get away with demonizing Jews, racial minorities or gay people. They need to portray SOMEONE as a threat to rile up the ignorant and get them to vote with their fear instead of their logic.

I suspect that they don't know any trans people, and don't want to know. That way they can preserve the nasty myths they spout.

Just for reference, I am the uncle of a trans person, someone who is just trying to live their life in a hostile society. I've listened to trans friends describe their struggles to be who they really are. I've won a prize at Drag Bingo. I've played in an LGBTQ sponsored poker tournament, and lost the final hand to a trans woman. I am neither gay nor trans, but instead of judging a whole group of people based on agenda-driven rants, I've made a point of getting outside my personal bubble and meeting people who are not just like me.
Re: The stupid-train goes off the rails into sheer inhumanit
Post by Daryl   » Mon Sep 18, 2023 7:29 pm

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 3595
Joined: Sat Apr 24, 2010 1:57 am
Location: Queensland Australia

My adult grandson's partner is a trans person. Originally male but you wouldn't know it. Feminine in every way.
dscott8 wrote:The reactionaries are all about demonizing trans people because they can no longer get away with demonizing Jews, racial minorities or gay people. They need to portray SOMEONE as a threat to rile up the ignorant and get them to vote with their fear instead of their logic.

I suspect that they don't know any trans people, and don't want to know. That way they can preserve the nasty myths they spout.

Just for reference, I am the uncle of a trans person, someone who is just trying to live their life in a hostile society. I've listened to trans friends describe their struggles to be who they really are. I've won a prize at Drag Bingo. I've played in an LGBTQ sponsored poker tournament, and lost the final hand to a trans woman. I am neither gay nor trans, but instead of judging a whole group of people based on agenda-driven rants, I've made a point of getting outside my personal bubble and meeting people who are not just like me.
Re: The stupid-train goes off the rails into sheer inhumanit
Post by C. O. Thompson   » Wed Sep 20, 2023 8:22 pm

C. O. Thompson
Captain of the List

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Location: Thompson, CT USA

Joat42 wrote:We have all read and heard the incessant bleating from "conservatives" how people who are/support LGTBQ have some deep dark agenda where the goal is to groom children to becomes trans. We see laws being drafted that explicitly single out LGTBQ people and their rights in various ways.

All this rhetoric is mostly based on the usual excuse "think of the children" and how trans-people must comport themselves according to their gender (I'm not going into the idiots zero understanding about sex and the bi-modality of gender), because the horror of children being exposed drag-queens and trans-people is such a serious issue means "we need to do something!".

Not long ago a certain right-wing nut-job posted an image on X-Twitter taken from one of the most despicable video-productions ever made. It depicts a child being sexually tortured, it was so horrifying when the FBI first came across this video they thought it was some kind of sick joke and not actually real.

The reason this nut-job posted this image was because he wanted to shame pedophiles. The problem with this particular CSAM is that it is only available in the darkest corners on the internet, and you can only get it if you offer up other CSAM in exchange. How he got it is still an open question.

So X-Twitter banned the account. The next day Musk unbans the account because "the image has been removed" allegedly by their Trust and Safety Team. What's missing here is that they didn't inform the FBI and NCOSE, which they are legally mandated to do.

Now comes the sheer inhumanity of the right-wing stupid-brigade which have no problems attacking LGTBQ any way they can. They defend Musk's decision and they defend the nut-job who posted this image - because apparently it's just fine to post CSAM if it's done with good intentions. I wish I was joking, but that's actually their argument in the defense of these people.

How fucking deluded do you have to be to defend posting CSAM, there is no "good intentions" here that outweighs the utter inhumanity in sexually exploiting children and the re-victimization of them by republishing images of what they were subjected to.

This is what the "conservatives" in the US has wrought, they have created idiots who think CSAM is something defensible under the right circumstances.

I'm so fucking angry I want to hit something, repeatedly.

Your anger and observations resonate with me
I will extend your point by asking what kind of person would support the reactionary right which is the fount of all this vitriol and hatred and repression?

I am a progressive but I am also not a big supporter of the trend for putting everyone who is a little different into bubble wrap.
I simply think that only serves to divide us into smaller and smaller groups of "The other" and IMHO we need to be thinking that the only race we need to identify is HUMAN and the rest of it is nothing I could control with any amount of persuasion or force so, you live your life and I'll live mine in all the minor issues.
Just my 2 ₡ worth

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