Jonathan_S wrote:
But he wasn't arguing for any particular naval policy. He was, as far as we can tell, interested only in justifying the diversion of as much of the war emergency revenue from the navy to High Ridge's domestic agenda -- not in providing for the good of the navy or its personnel; even as he saw that good.
Actually, No - in WoH, we saw Janacheck fight to divest the DNs and older SDs from the Fleet, while saying they were deathtraps, and the RMN no longer needed them - and was seen trying to spin off the alliance commitments. (The majority of this was off scene. we learned more from David's info dumps on the forums about how the alliance members were handled, and what we saw in the books was Honor and Hamish's attempts to fight Janacheck's efforts in the Lords to spin the older ships (and alliance commitments) off his shoulders.)
In addition to retiring the DNs and selling the surviving King Rodgers, Victories, and the Andurils, David let us know there was a failed effort to upgrade the Gryphons with MDMs - only to find this was way too expensive and time consuming for the outcome. (giving us an unknown # of MDM Tube SDs for the 2nd war).
In addition, every lighter unit older than ~1885 was retired and new units planned. Expensive, modern forts were built - freeing mobile fleets from protecting termini and defensive locations like Basilisk.
So there was an effort to focus the fleet on survivable units, (come-on - who in PD1917 has a ship that can compete with an MDM armed Gryphon!) and remove fleet tasking as much as possible, while tossing out lighter units that clearly were kept around too long and were no longer survivable, with a plan to start replacing them (slowly) with designs that were cutting edge.