Brigade XO wrote: So much comes into play in both cases and much of it deals with penalties for lack of performance on either the delivery (as allowed for in shipping contracts and/or purchase contracts for the goods. Either way (whenever the goods may get delivered) the volume of transport slows down and the economy is effected. It has been mentioned that a lot of MMM were going to default on loan payments etc which could have put them out of business. The same thing is going to happen to the involved 1) manufactures, 2 )wholesalers, 3) shipping companies, 4) the companies who had ordered the goods and who now don't have the either the product to sell or can't make their own commitments.
Even shipping companies like Kolokainos are going to be caught in this because they are going to have to find replacements for the MMM ships they lease/hire as carriers. Yes, they COULD swap out a MMM ship heading outbound -out side of the SL- for a non-MMM cargo ship heading in and deal with the problem that way but there is timing and various contractual issues.
That was the whole point of Lacoön: in addition to being for the general safety of Manticore citizens in a time of war, it was economic pressure (economic war even) on the SL. Since the central government of the League couldn't do direct taxation and depended on interstellar commerce as its only legitimate source of revenue, this put extreme pressure on the Mandarins to negotiate. We heard from Wodolawski and Quartermain that the central government was a few months away from defaulting.
Even if every shipping company in the SL (and many outside the SL) imediaitaly placed orders for new commercial transports - to whatever capacity was then available in the SL and other commericial shipyards- it would take probably at least a year to deliver the 1st ships even if they use current "standard" cargo designs.
If only some military governor of a region had had the foresight to start building a lot of civilian ships before the hostilities started so they'd be ready just as they ended...
It is possible that MMM ships could have gotten to Beowulf and found non-MMM shipping with available cargo space (won't get into what that would have cost somebody) BUT that they then headed "away" from SL space via hyper to shift where they would start looking for new business/ loads. How likely (it is not mentioned, not germane to plot) that the SLN would have attempted to set up commerce interdiction outside Beowulf's and the Sigma Draconis Terminus to intercept MMM? That would have created a bad situation given the know reaction of RMN to commerce raiding or siezing against MMM.
That didn't happen, or at least we weren't told it did. Commerce raiding was a valid war-time practice and we heard it from both the PN and RMN in the first war, so the SLN could have legitimately engaged in it. But they didn't. It might be that the SLN thought that it was beneath them, or it might be that they didn't want to confront GA escorts, which could and would kick their ass... you don't do commerce raiding in battlecruisers.
It's also very possible that they'd hurt themselves more than the loss of the hulls would hurt the GA economy. After all, the majority of the cargo would be bound to or from a League system, even if indirectly.