Theemile wrote:I think we can all agree, that the Malaign doesn't want the "average Galton" to know what is going on - the leadership knows, but not the rank and file. So however the data ship is getting to Galton, it has to be hidden. I'd make a hole in the defenses in a weird place significantly out that it does not pose a defensive issue. The sensors either are not present in this area, or simply programmed to ignore activity in sector (if it originates in this sector). So if a ship jumps in there and maneuvers, it is not seen, but if a ship moves through the sector, it would be tracked. Either way, place a data beacon in the region and have it connect with the standard system data constellation. The ship tight beams to the beacon which re-transmits to the rest of the constellation. The ship then leaves, no one the wiser.
Up until Houdini, Galton must've been in constant contact with Mesa and there was no need to hide that. So if one of the ships that made this transit also received special content to insert (including malware that would delete some other extant content) elsewhere, no one in Galton would be the wiser. In fact, up until Houdini, there was no need to have orders come from Darius. They were coming from Mesa because that's where the Detweilers were.
They would have set up a solution for the post-Houdini situation, even if it was barely used before Galton fell. Galton, like Darius, would have pulled its horns, but they were still in some contact with their operatives, so there was still traffic.