Jonathan_S wrote:Seemingly only true if the tubing was allowed to continue uninterrupted -- IOW completing in under 9 months from his death. (Not that Stefan is dead yet - just retired in seclusion after the destruction of his home and disappearance of his wife [or at least so says House of Steel])cthia wrote:I think you missed the first of a double post. If she inseminated herself with Stefan's sperm while he was alive, and had the child tubed, then the child was conceived while the father was alive.
Also as some point he'd presumably be able to get a divorce from his long missing wife -- assuming she wasn't declared presumed dead first. And after that point any child she conceives, unfreezes, etc. with him or his genetics wouldn't be a legitimate one; as they'd no longer be married.
So she'd have to sneak back into Manticore while still his wofe, without running afoul of the law or the Ballroom, get impregnated, arrange for Stefan to die, and then try to claim temporary control of the Earldom in the name of their child.
Seems unlikely to work. And definitely doesn't seem like the kind of story that RFC would write.
Somtaaw wrote:You also forgot updating Stefan's will to include the newly created child. Inheritance for non-nobility is basically a daily thing, you don't have anything special except to family and close friends. Nobility on the other hand, have to think in dynastic terms, so everything's gotta be in the will.
What cthia is suggesting is literally "date rape on steroids". If Georgia had drugged Stefan drugged and stole his sperm, she could conceive a child with his DNA and somehow that's legitimate even though Stefan has ZERO clue it happened, as long as it occurs prior to his death (or let's be honest, it would be a murder not passing away on his own).
Young noble males would need to be guarded more closely than the Queen (now Empress) of Manticore purely because as males, it's far simpler to drug and steal their sperm to impregnate a female to steal their title(s); that doing a similar thing to a young noble female could ever be.
What could you do steal an egg (or inject sperm) and then... what would you keep her imprisoned until she conceives? If you let her go free, within 2 months she'd know she was pregnant, guess what happened, and have the child terminated. If she's pro-life rather than pro-choice, she'd have that rape-baby tubed instead and then specifically declare it illegitimate and unable to inherit her title.
That's why my original comments pointed out, even though Manticore doesn't recognize bastardy and you'll always be able to claim such-and-such person as your father or mother, you certainly CAN be excluded from inheritance. Stefan must be aware of a child, and update his will of his own volition, for Georgia to try and sneak back into the North Hollow line. Every day that passes it becomes more and more difficult, because she's already been missing for 5 to 6 T-years so surely she must be presumed dead which nullifies any marriage state.
Somtaaw, I don't think a spouse can date rape his or her wife or husband. A man cannot legally rape his wife even now in many states. (sic) Many states consider it his marital right. It would also be her marital right. Anyhow, I think it would be a cold day in hell before a C-line sex-slave could be charged with having to rape a horny dog like a Young.

I wouldn't think a will is needed for a newly created legitimate child to inherit, or there would be lots of legitimate kids whose inheritance was stolen from then. Especially in cases where the mother/father was in the Navy and the conception was unknown and the noble father is killed in action before the mother even knew she was pregnant.
At any rate, I am not talking about Georgia becoming pregnant by nefarious means. Stefan gave her permission to use his sperm. In fact, it could turn out that she didn't need to "use his sperm" in that manner. She could have found out she was pregnant after she was driven out of town. She could have gotten pregnant the old-fashioned way.
A C-line sex-slave drops her robe dripping wet.

Jonathan, what do you mean not the kind of story RFC would write???
Exhibit A:
The married Earl of White Haven impregnates a naval officer out of wedlock. The understanding wife accepts the whole sordid mess and accepts a new wife.
Exhibit B:
Steadholder Harrington, a Grayson woman, sleeps with a noble woman's husband and gets herself pregnant.
What could be more risque than that? And if Georgia is pregnant by natural means, that is simply life. A much more wholesome version at that than what RFC wrote.