Thanks for the passage describing her beauty. Constantly searching text must be a beast, and I appreciate your efforts. It must be easy to miss something, and I was under the impression that every book does not come in a searchable format.
Sometimes even I question whether I recall certain things correctly. I was almost sure about Elaine because I am prejudiced in favor of redheads.
When it comes to redheads, my brain makes a certain intimate connection, even in a book. There have been a number of redheads mentioned throughout the series. I think one of the earliest redheads is Raghnild Pavletic. Her bio says honey blonde with freckles. My prejudiced brain parses redhead. The color of her hair is in no small part responsible for my affection for her.
But! Get a load of
the babe in Elaine's bio. I was beginning to worry if I had been catfished. LOL
Anyway, I am mighty partial to redheads and I'm aware I need to get it in check. I often fall in love with charges. But storyline is not without blame. Sometimes my brain -- and the morsels of data consumed in the entire series -- all conspire to make subtle connections. These connections are made... behind the scenes in my brain. Subconsciously, as it were.
I couldn't quite recall that "stunning beauty" is
the particular phrase used to describe her beauty. I only remembered that -- whatever the phrase used -- it passed my personal litmus test for
off the scale.Suffer me the following passage. In order for fellow Cupists to more intimately get to know me. After all, this
is the Cupid thread.
I dated a redhead in grade school. For some heretofore unexplained mystery, she didn't think she was beautiful (as is the plight of many redheads. Beats me.)
To make a long personal story short ...
"Do you think I am beautiful."
"It is not a yes or no answer." She was notorious for demanding a yes or no answer.
"No." It stung her. TEARS.
"You are not even pretty." Hysterical tears. I continued on and shared my personal litmus test.
The Litmus test: Descriptives
Pretty "women are a dime a dozen. We have classrooms full of them."
Beautiful "women are more rare. But not too uncommon. Yes, I think Julie Weiss is beautiful. She is also a conceited witch."
Drop dead gorgeous "women are very rare. Oftentimes found only once in a million. Or lifetime. You, honey, are drop dead gorgeous."
Since the MA has isolated the gene responsible for beauty, this gene can be none other than the gene for divine beauty; that which God intended.
Divine beauty. There is a concept known as divine beauty. Descriptives such as stunning beauty, drop dead gorgeous and insanely beautiful are divine descriptions.
Note that stunning beauty and drop dead gorgeous is related. If the beauty is set on high enough stun, the result to a weak heart could be death. 
A phrase like stunning beauty will be parsed by my brain along with other morsels of information as
stunning redhead beauty. If I were the client, that might be my order. I would probably be quoted a higher price because redhead pleasure slaves might be offered as a premium. Pleasure slaves strike me as being stereotypically as fast as sports cars, and the red cars usually cost the most. They also tend to come with the most accoutrements.
Note: Biosculpting is no more than an aftermarket tuner. It is limited to working with what is already there, hence the phrase, "Give me something to work with." It is also limited by the tools and techniques. Inherently it falls prey to the fact that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In this case, it is beholden in the eye of the biosculptor.
Applying the litmus test.Another reason that I think Elaine Kormondorski is a sex slave is because there are so many beautiful women in the Galaxy. In the Honorverse, beauty is the norm. As tlb pointed out, ugliness is extinct. Man has won his bought with vanity on one front.
In a sea of beautiful women, Georgia Sakristos must have stood out, since she so easily became Lady Young (a prestigious title) by obviously outshining so many other women who were most likely biosculptedly beautiful "applicants." The Youngs commanded a lot of money, power and prestige. Many socialites would jump at the opportunity to climb the social ladder with the Youngs. My brain makes a lot of specific connections because of the social circles I am accustomed to. Beauty attracts money. Extreme beauty attracts money and power. Drop dead gorgeous attracts a beautiful colored gemstone. A marriage. A divorce.
"And a coffin!" Ok, ok Pavel and Dimitry!
Georgia must have been responsible for a lot of jealous women in society. Her beauty had to stand out to do so. The Youngs had access to many commonly beautiful women.