tlb wrote:Also when Honor and Co started the fusion reactors on the shuttles when changing positions to be nearer the punishment camp, they must have done it that time using power from the turbine engines. Which means the backup power output is not always necessary to start the shuttle's reactor.
Okay, now I feel a right fool. I'd totally forgotten that the shuttles had air breathing turbines. oh:
And if they're using the emergency thermal converters to run the air conditioning then they should still have plenty of fuel in the tanks for the turbines. Those do seem a far better power source for bringing the shuttles reactor on line.
As for the emergency thermal generators, I also assumed they were probably thermoelectric based. That just gives you the underlying physics mechanism. However for thermoelectrics to produce power you need to get one side significantly hotter than the other; as without that thermal gradient they can't make power.
Now, you might be able to rig a solar reflector oven to heat the hot side, or on a planet's surface make a fire from natural materials; if you were lucky enough to be near a natural hot springs that'd do it. And then you still need to keep the cool side from warming up too much because the greater the difference in temperature the more power the generator can extract. Cooling it might be simply a permanently attached air cooled radiator; though that may have issues is some environments.
If you've got access to it though, even just submerging the radiator into a cool stream or lake would make its far more effective.