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Any movie/tv series deals a possibility?

In the breaks in his writing schedule, David has promised to stop by and chat for a while!
Re: Any movie/tv series deals a possibility?
Post by Michael Everett   » Sun May 29, 2011 5:14 pm

Michael Everett

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runsforcelery wrote:I will only say this. We are in the final stages of completing (as in, writing actual contract language) a movie option on the Honorverse. Said option is visualizing multiple movies, beginning with OBS and progressing. It will be done by one of the cutting edge CGI/3-D houses in the world, it will (assuming present plans hold) use live actors, and "Nimitz will be expensive. CGI for quadrapeds is a pain in the butt!" according to one of the guys who will be doing the work. Of course, he smiled a lot when he said it.


Okay. This is... new information to me. Yes, 90% of the other readers on this forum probably knew, but as someone who abandoned Baen's Bar due to it's incredibly long loading times and badly-planned posting techniques, my sources of Weber-linked info are... well... kind of limited to this site only.

And TV Tropes, but that's nowhere near as real-time.

Out of interest, why should the War God series not be filmed? After all, it doesn't have to be by the same company, does it? Totally different series.

Honorverse film. Cool. Just as long as it sticks closer to the books than the Lensman film did to its source material.

Awaiting a response.

I can't write anywhere near as well as Weber
But I try nonetheless, And even do my own artwork.

(Now on Twitter)and mentioned by RFC!
ACNH Dreams at DA-6594-0940-7995
Re: Any movie/tv series deals a possibility?
Post by runsforcelery   » Sun May 29, 2011 5:28 pm

First Space Lord

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Michael Everett wrote:
runsforcelery wrote:I will only say this. We are in the final stages of completing (as in, writing actual contract language) a movie option on the Honorverse. Said option is visualizing multiple movies, beginning with OBS and progressing. It will be done by one of the cutting edge CGI/3-D houses in the world, it will (assuming present plans hold) use live actors, and "Nimitz will be expensive. CGI for quadrapeds is a pain in the butt!" according to one of the guys who will be doing the work. Of course, he smiled a lot when he said it.


Okay. This is... new information to me. Yes, 90% of the other readers on this forum probably knew, but as someone who abandoned Baen's Bar due to it's incredibly long loading times and badly-planned posting techniques, my sources of Weber-linked info are... well... kind of limited to this site only.

And TV Tropes, but that's nowhere near as real-time.

Out of interest, why should the War God series not be filmed? After all, it doesn't have to be by the same company, does it? Totally different series.

Honorverse film. Cool. Just as long as it sticks closer to the books than the Lensman film did to its source material.

Awaiting a response.

Oh, it's going to be a lot closer than the lensman cra --- er, material was. Of course, that's not saying all the much, is it? [G] Seriously, at this point I am feeling very good about the project. We are already discussing some small departures from the exact story line, but nothing --- I repeat, nothing --- they've said even comes close to changing the characters, the basic story arc, or the feel of the books. Obviously this is very early days yet, but I'm comfortable with their commitment to maintaining the characters. I think there will probably be some divergences from the way I see them, but I will guarantee there are already some divergences between the way I see them and the way you see them. All of the minor departures they've mentioned to me so far fit perfectly with the story and the characters and are more ways that a different medium moves the tale along than anything else. Of course, they are going to make a couple of changes, some of which I am sure are going to please the readership. Like going completely "paperless." Mind you, I only use paper for formal occasions, but what the heck?

The thing I really, really like about the conversations we've had so far is their focus on finding CGI and special effects which enhance the story that already exists instead of simply using the special effects as a substitute for story.

I feel good about this, I really do.

Oops! Edited to add:

I personally see no reason at all that Bahzell shouldn't be turned into a movie, or even a whole series of them! I think it would be a wonderful idea; now all we have to do is interest a studio. In the meantime, we have had a nibble at the movie rights for Out of the Dark, but if anyone wants people to sparkle I am going to be soooooo unhappy! :P

"Oh, bother!" said Pooh, as Piglet came back from the dead.
Re: Any movie/tv series deals a possibility?
Post by robert132   » Mon May 30, 2011 6:57 pm

Captain of the List

Posts: 586
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runsforcelery wrote:

See why I like these guys?

I do indeed Skipper. But don't let them push you beyond where you want to go (as if YOU need advice.)

Personally I look forward to actually "seeing" the Lady, 'Cat and close circle who have been my companions through a number of health trials.

I believe this effort will be worth the wait.

Just my opinion of course and probably not worth the paper it's not written on.
Re: Any movie/tv series deals a possibility?
Post by Solly   » Sat Jun 18, 2011 10:22 am


Posts: 171
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Location: Chattanooga, TN

runsforcelery wrote:
Michael Everett wrote:
runsforcelery wrote:I will only say this. We are in the final stages of completing (as in, writing actual contract language) a movie option on the Honorverse. Said option is visualizing multiple movies, beginning with OBS and progressing. It will be done by one of the cutting edge CGI/3-D houses in the world, it will (assuming present plans hold) use live actors, and "Nimitz will be expensive. CGI for quadrapeds is a pain in the butt!" according to one of the guys who will be doing the work. Of course, he smiled a lot when he said it.


Okay. This is... new information to me. Yes, 90% of the other readers on this forum probably knew, but as someone who abandoned Baen's Bar due to it's incredibly long loading times and badly-planned posting techniques, my sources of Weber-linked info are... well... kind of limited to this site only.

And TV Tropes, but that's nowhere near as real-time.

Out of interest, why should the War God series not be filmed? After all, it doesn't have to be by the same company, does it? Totally different series.

Honorverse film. Cool. Just as long as it sticks closer to the books than the Lensman film did to its source material.

Awaiting a response.

Oh, it's going to be a lot closer than the lensman cra --- er, material was. Of course, that's not saying all the much, is it? [G] Seriously, at this point I am feeling very good about the project. We are already discussing some small departures from the exact story line, but nothing --- I repeat, nothing --- they've said even comes close to changing the characters, the basic story arc, or the feel of the books. Obviously this is very early days yet, but I'm comfortable with their commitment to maintaining the characters. I think there will probably be some divergences from the way I see them, but I will guarantee there are already some divergences between the way I see them and the way you see them. All of the minor departures they've mentioned to me so far fit perfectly with the story and the characters and are more ways that a different medium moves the tale along than anything else. Of course, they are going to make a couple of changes, some of which I am sure are going to please the readership. Like going completely "paperless." Mind you, I only use paper for formal occasions, but what the heck?

The thing I really, really like about the conversations we've had so far is their focus on finding CGI and special effects which enhance the story that already exists instead of simply using the special effects as a substitute for story.

I feel good about this, I really do.

Oops! Edited to add:

I personally see no reason at all that Bahzell shouldn't be turned into a movie, or even a whole series of them! I think it would be a wonderful idea; now all we have to do is interest a studio. In the meantime, we have had a nibble at the movie rights for Out of the Dark, but if anyone wants people to sparkle I am going to be soooooo unhappy! :P

That's great! I saw the film "Avatar" when it came out on DVD. I'm a big fan of the work that James Cameron does and was well I wasn't all that happy with "Avatar" I predicted the entire plot within the first half hour of the movie.

The special effects were great, but to me the storyline was weak. I'm glad some movie companies still like the idea of a storyline over special effects. Like the movie (one of my personal favorites) "Big Fish" it has probably very little special effects if any at all, but the story was just gold.

Also when you said multiple movies, did you mean a movie for each book? I hope the film is successful unlike "2001 A space odyssey" which I thought was very good but it bombed in the box office.

I know this will probably not really be thought of, but. Could the movie have a EPIC musical intro? Take the movie "Wing Commander" it was god awful and bombed totally, but the music and it's music intro were just beyond Epic

See? Epic music!
Re: Any movie/tv series deals a possibility?
Post by Mitchell, Esq.   » Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:01 pm

Mitchell, Esq.

Posts: 806
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runsforcelery wrote:
Michael Everett wrote:
SYED wrote:Starfire and Safehold are the easier screen adaptions, easier to do with flash backs and time skips.

Actually, given all the props, clothes, armour etc which must be left over from things like Hercules, Xena et al, wouldn't the War God series be easier to do?

Just a thought.

Bad, Michael! No cookies for you!

I will only say this. We are in the final stages of completing (as in, writing actual contract language) a movie option on the Honorverse. Said option is visualizing multiple movies, beginning with OBS and progressing. It will be done by one of the cutting edge CGI/3-D houses in the world, it will (assuming present plans hold) use live actors, and "Nimitz will be expensive. CGI for quadrapeds is a pain in the butt!" according to one of the guys who will be doing the work. Of course, he smiled a lot when he said it.

Assuming the process proceeds as scheduled (always an interesting assumption . . . in the Chinese curse sense), the production process will run about five years: 2 of creative development; 1 for nailing down things like cast, director, etc., and 2 years for principal photography and special effects (which would be done in house). And I have been specifically retained as a creative consultant for the project by people who are insisting that "Special effects cannot make a successful movie. Special effects can make a satisfying visual spectacle, but what makes a movie is character and what make a series of movies is character illuminated by story."

See why I like these guys?

Can I just give you my credit card info now, and you tell me when I can watch the movie?
Re: Any movie/tv series deals a possibility?
Post by rdt   » Sun Aug 28, 2011 3:35 pm


Posts: 945
Joined: Wed May 05, 2010 2:21 am

runsforcelery wrote:Bad, Michael! No cookies for you!

I will only say this. We are in the final stages of completing (as in, writing actual contract language) a movie option on the Honorverse. Said option is visualizing multiple movies, beginning with OBS and progressing. It will be done by one of the cutting edge CGI/3-D houses in the world, it will (assuming present plans hold) use live actors, and "Nimitz will be expensive. CGI for quadrapeds is a pain in the butt!" according to one of the guys who will be doing the work. Of course, he smiled a lot when he said it.

Assuming the process proceeds as scheduled (always an interesting assumption . . . in the Chinese curse sense), the production process will run about five years: 2 of creative development; 1 for nailing down things like cast, director, etc., and 2 years for principal photography and special effects (which would be done in house). And I have been specifically retained as a creative consultant for the project by people who are insisting that "Special effects cannot make a successful movie. Special effects can make a satisfying visual spectacle, but what makes a movie is character and what make a series of movies is character illuminated by story."

See why I like these guys?

Yes, it is true the movie is "in development" and if you don't believe me, see
and that is all there is until either David Weber tells us more, or the folks who are developing the movie get further along. Until then, sound & fury sans meaning.
Re: Any movie/tv series deals a possibility?
Post by Tigertina   » Thu Oct 20, 2011 4:13 pm


Posts: 10
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Location: Norway

I will only say this. We are in the final stages of completing (as in, writing actual contract language) a movie option on the Honorverse. Said option is visualizing multiple movies, beginning with OBS and progressing. It will be done by one of the cutting edge CGI/3-D houses in the world, it will (assuming present plans hold) use live actors, and "Nimitz will be expensive. CGI for quadrapeds is a pain in the butt!" according to one of the guys who will be doing the work. Of course, he smiled a lot when he said it.

Assuming the process proceeds as scheduled (always an interesting assumption . . . in the Chinese curse sense), the production process will run about five years: 2 of creative development; 1 for nailing down things like cast, director, etc., and 2 years for principal photography and special effects (which would be done in house). And I have been specifically retained as a creative consultant for the project by people who are insisting that "Special effects cannot make a successful movie. Special effects can make a satisfying visual spectacle, but what makes a movie is character and what make a series of movies is character illuminated by story."

See why I like these guys?[/quote]

Soooo, how's it going? 0=)
Re: Any movie/tv series deals a possibility?
Post by Solly   » Fri Oct 21, 2011 10:50 am


Posts: 171
Joined: Sun Sep 05, 2010 12:06 am
Location: Chattanooga, TN

Quick question I dunno if this has ever been asked before but... will the HH film be in the movie theatres or will it be a TV film.
Re: Any movie/tv series deals a possibility?
Post by pokermind   » Fri Nov 04, 2011 11:36 am

Fleet Admiral

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Answer to above looks like a movie if you read through all the posts. A crossover question on how successful the movie series will be was just posted in the Honorverse along with a long running who would you cast as Honor?
Remember in watching any movie made from a book that screen writing differs from novel writing, time constraints, dialogue intensive, and the fact that the director must turn and imagined universe into three dimensional sets. Things will naturally not be as you or the author imagined them. Hope this helps, CPO Poker Mind.
CPO Poker Mind Image and, Mangy Fur the Smart Alick Spacecat.

"Better to be hung for a hexapuma than a housecat," Com. Pang Yau-pau, ART.
Re: Any movie/tv series deals a possibility?
Post by rdt   » Fri Nov 04, 2011 1:04 pm


Posts: 945
Joined: Wed May 05, 2010 2:21 am

Solly wrote:Quick question I dunno if this has ever been asked before but... will the HH film be in the movie theaters or will it be a TV film.

From what DW posted and the admittedly meager data on IMDB, it looks like a movie.

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