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GA-League War lessons learned

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Re: GA-League War lessons learned
Post by Sigs   » Mon Jul 19, 2021 12:45 pm

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cthia wrote:
At what point would the SLN's quantity overcome Manticore's quality? Would a gorilla who can make big babies as fast as the SL even need LACs?

The League wont be restricted to the same budget as the GA, so building LAC's thickens their defensive power but does not take away from their offensive power or other projects. But ultimately if they decide not to build the LAC's they can use the tonnage and manpower to build escorts instead of carriers and LAC's. Basically each carrier and its wing could be replaced by 45 escorts in the 250k range.

If the SLN design warships with an insane throw weight in missiles and CMs, why would they need LACs to thicken defense when warships will do just fine?
I would think that since they can afford it they would thicken their defenses in any way they can. Weather LAC's or just specialized escorts for missile protection, bringing ridiculously overwhelming force to a battle means your main offensive arm is very well protected. The GA has to choose between Missile defense platforms and SD(P) so they have to balance it out to provide the best defensive fire without compromising their offensive capabilities.

The RMN needed LACs as screens because they couldn't build traditional screening elements and other ships fast enough. Plus, the RMN has a serious limitation of warm bodies.
I don't see how the LAC's help with the warm bodies limitations. There is a carrier with a crew of at least 1,000 people and 120 LAC's with a crew of 10 each. That right there is 2,200 people. Building a destroyer that is exclusively anti missile unit with maximum automation can save a lot on the manpower.
Re: GA-League War lessons learned
Post by Theemile   » Mon Jul 19, 2021 12:59 pm

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Sigs wrote:
cthia wrote:

The RMN needed LACs as screens because they couldn't build traditional screening elements and other ships fast enough. Plus, the RMN has a serious limitation of warm bodies.
I don't see how the LAC's help with the warm bodies limitations. There is a carrier with a crew of at least 1,000 people and 120 LAC's with a crew of 10 each. That right there is 2,200 people. Building a destroyer that is exclusively anti missile unit with maximum automation can save a lot on the manpower.

Prewar, 2200 bodies was a BC, and a LAC wing will toast a single BC. A LAC wing will replace 8 BC-CAs in a proper SD screening formation and 18-24 CL/DDs in the inner and outer screen. That's as many as 25,000 bodies. I'd say that's a fair swap. OK, lets just say that the Wing swaps out 18 modern Rolands - that's a parity on bodies (in the LACS, that is), but I'll bet the 18 Rolands cost a a heck of a lot more and have better places to be than sitting herd on a SD squadron.
RFC said "refitting a Beowulfan SD to Manticoran standards would be just as difficult as refitting a standard SLN SD to those standards. In other words, it would be cheaper and faster to build new ships."
Re: GA-League War lessons learned
Post by Sigs   » Mon Jul 19, 2021 1:08 pm

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Theemile wrote:
Part of my signature for years was David's quote for the SLN building Podnaughts - it will be 6 years for the League to go from "hey, what's that" to "I Christen thee First Podnaught". League build time is 5-6 years currently for a SD, with artificially induced slowness. Their construction method is similar to the Havenite build method of 1900, which was 4 years per ship, for serial production.

Being about 6 months past that start point, we can't expect to see worthy amounts of crappy SLN SD(p)s for another 6.5 years.

A First Gen sucky BC(p) will probably take less time, but will probably have a limited # of pods (unless they start with a minelayer design, then it will have a decent # of pods, but sucky defense and armor.)

You said it yourself, they are artificially slow. The League did not need speed, they needed consistency for hundreds of years. Now the League is completely defenseless against the top 7 navies so lighting a fire under someone's rear end would speed up. But at the end of the day it doesn't matter if its 4 years or 6.5 years because they are still a long way from getting technological parity. Right now the majority of their industry is intact, they can start a massive expansion of shipyards and spread them to different systems.
Re: GA-League War lessons learned
Post by Sigs   » Mon Jul 19, 2021 1:21 pm

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Theemile wrote:
Prewar, 2200 bodies was a BC, and a LAC wing will toast a single BC. A LAC wing will replace 8 BC-CAs in a proper SD screening formation and 18-24 CL/DDs in the inner and outer screen. That's as many as 25,000 bodies. I'd say that's a fair swap. OK, lets just say that the Wing swaps out 18 modern Rolands - that's a parity on bodies (in the LACS, that is), but I'll bet the 18 Rolands cost a a heck of a lot more and have better places to be than sitting herd on a SD squadron.

A wing swaps 18 modern Rolands, a carrier is equivalent tonnage to 47 Rolands. So for 120 LAC's and 1 carrier you can field 63 Rolands. If the Roland were a specialist ship exclusively fleet missile defense and go to extreme automation they can cut down the crew on those ships and save on manpower. LAC's to me are more versatile, the League could build millions of LAC's and have various options that turn a carrier into an offensive or defensive unit something you cant do to an escort that is a specialist in one thing. But the SLN can deploy at insane numbers of SD(P)'s and escorts if they so choose and all without breaking the bank, they don't have to choose, they can have a lot of everything.
Re: GA-League War lessons learned
Post by Theemile   » Mon Jul 19, 2021 1:55 pm

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Sigs wrote:
Theemile wrote:
Part of my signature for years was David's quote for the SLN building Podnaughts - it will be 6 years for the League to go from "hey, what's that" to "I Christen thee First Podnaught". League build time is 5-6 years currently for a SD, with artificially induced slowness. Their construction method is similar to the Havenite build method of 1900, which was 4 years per ship, for serial production.

Being about 6 months past that start point, we can't expect to see worthy amounts of crappy SLN SD(p)s for another 6.5 years.

A First Gen sucky BC(p) will probably take less time, but will probably have a limited # of pods (unless they start with a minelayer design, then it will have a decent # of pods, but sucky defense and armor.)

You said it yourself, they are artificially slow. The League did not need speed, they needed consistency for hundreds of years. Now the League is completely defenseless against the top 7 navies so lighting a fire under someone's rear end would speed up. But at the end of the day it doesn't matter if its 4 years or 6.5 years because they are still a long way from getting technological parity. Right now the majority of their industry is intact, they can start a massive expansion of shipyards and spread them to different systems.

Ture, true. In 10 years after they get their heads out of their posteriors, they can be a force to reckon with. The question is when will the Doctor reverse the Universe's largest Rectal-Cranial inversion?
RFC said "refitting a Beowulfan SD to Manticoran standards would be just as difficult as refitting a standard SLN SD to those standards. In other words, it would be cheaper and faster to build new ships."
Re: GA-League War lessons learned
Post by Theemile   » Mon Jul 19, 2021 2:09 pm

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Sigs wrote:
Theemile wrote:
Prewar, 2200 bodies was a BC, and a LAC wing will toast a single BC. A LAC wing will replace 8 BC-CAs in a proper SD screening formation and 18-24 CL/DDs in the inner and outer screen. That's as many as 25,000 bodies. I'd say that's a fair swap. OK, lets just say that the Wing swaps out 18 modern Rolands - that's a parity on bodies (in the LACS, that is), but I'll bet the 18 Rolands cost a a heck of a lot more and have better places to be than sitting herd on a SD squadron.

A wing swaps 18 modern Rolands, a carrier is equivalent tonnage to 47 Rolands. So for 120 LAC's and 1 carrier you can field 63 Rolands. If the Roland were a specialist ship exclusively fleet missile defense and go to extreme automation they can cut down the crew on those ships and save on manpower. LAC's to me are more versatile, the League could build millions of LAC's and have various options that turn a carrier into an offensive or defensive unit something you cant do to an escort that is a specialist in one thing. But the SLN can deploy at insane numbers of SD(P)'s and escorts if they so choose and all without breaking the bank, they don't have to choose, they can have a lot of everything.

And that's the other question - Currently they do not have access to the bank and their normal ability to make money has been cut off. In the future will they be handed the numbered Swiss account or slapped down and broken up, absorbed into the SDFs of the planets which they couldn't defend?

Harrington's plan would see the later, while the SLN myopically prays to the great shipyard in the heavens for the former. What happens - who knows yet. Though we still have to have the Maya Crisis, which will probably trigger sometime in the next few book months, and be a crowbar for the Harrington plan.

Even if they do get the Swiss account, when will they get it - I don't see SLN politics escaping it's glacial speed, especially when their political organ is coming apart at the seems (6-12 core worlds and allies flipping the rest of the SL the bird while walking out the door after what the SLN did to Beowulf, Chalchot and the rest is bound to cause some fairly major ripples). If it takes a year to 2 to settle things down and get a stable government, the SLN might need to wait that long to get a steady paycheck, and won't be able to invest too much inot the new fleet in the meantime.
RFC said "refitting a Beowulfan SD to Manticoran standards would be just as difficult as refitting a standard SLN SD to those standards. In other words, it would be cheaper and faster to build new ships."
Re: GA-League War lessons learned
Post by Jonathan_S   » Mon Jul 19, 2021 2:17 pm

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Sigs wrote: I would think that since they can afford it they would thicken their defenses in any way they can. Weather LAC's or just specialized escorts for missile protection, bringing ridiculously overwhelming force to a battle means your main offensive arm is very well protected. The GA has to choose between Missile defense platforms and SD(P) so they have to balance it out to provide the best defensive fire without compromising their offensive capabilities.

I quite agree that they need to adjust their doctrine to emphasize missile defense.

If they did got the specialized escorts they'd be able to carry more CMs in their magazines. Also, we've seen no evidence that the SLN knows how to build a LAC capable of more than the normal old-style's 409.x gees acceleration. If they started out on specialized DD - CL sized escorts at least those'd be able to keep up with the fleet without any new tech breakthroughs.

They can probably design and put into production a defense optimized DD design with off the shelf parts/tech more quickly that you could develop what you'd want in order to make a useful defense optimized LAC design. So go ahead and knock out a quick and dirty specialized missile defense CL escort design and get it into widespread construction while you investigate LACs, SD(P) designs, etc.
Re: GA-League War lessons learned
Post by Jonathan_S   » Mon Jul 19, 2021 2:18 pm

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Sigs wrote:
Theemile wrote:
Part of my signature for years was David's quote for the SLN building Podnaughts - it will be 6 years for the League to go from "hey, what's that" to "I Christen thee First Podnaught". League build time is 5-6 years currently for a SD, with artificially induced slowness. Their construction method is similar to the Havenite build method of 1900, which was 4 years per ship, for serial production.

Being about 6 months past that start point, we can't expect to see worthy amounts of crappy SLN SD(p)s for another 6.5 years.

A First Gen sucky BC(p) will probably take less time, but will probably have a limited # of pods (unless they start with a minelayer design, then it will have a decent # of pods, but sucky defense and armor.)

You said it yourself, they are artificially slow. The League did not need speed, they needed consistency for hundreds of years. Now the League is completely defenseless against the top 7 navies so lighting a fire under someone's rear end would speed up. But at the end of the day it doesn't matter if its 4 years or 6.5 years because they are still a long way from getting technological parity. Right now the majority of their industry is intact, they can start a massive expansion of shipyards and spread them to different systems.
Though unless they were paying extra down the entire supply chain to maintain reserve manpower and production capability I suspect they'll find that ordering their yards to abandon their artificially low production rate is likely to be a lot slower and bumpier road than they might assume.

(Just like the SLN never seriously looked at, or practiced, its reserve manning schemes, I suspect they never seriously looked at what would happen if they ordered their yards to switch to war emergency production levels)
Re: GA-League War lessons learned
Post by cthia   » Mon Jul 19, 2021 5:03 pm

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Sigs wrote:
cthia wrote:
At what point would the SLN's quantity overcome Manticore's quality? Would a gorilla who can make big babies as fast as the SL even need LACs?

The League wont be restricted to the same budget as the GA, so building LAC's thickens their defensive power but does not take away from their offensive power or other projects. But ultimately if they decide not to build the LAC's they can use the tonnage and manpower to build escorts instead of carriers and LAC's. Basically each carrier and its wing could be replaced by 45 escorts in the 250k range.

If the SLN design warships with an insane throw weight in missiles and CMs, why would they need LACs to thicken defense when warships will do just fine?
I would think that since they can afford it they would thicken their defenses in any way they can. Weather LAC's or just specialized escorts for missile protection, bringing ridiculously overwhelming force to a battle means your main offensive arm is very well protected. The GA has to choose between Missile defense platforms and SD(P) so they have to balance it out to provide the best defensive fire without compromising their offensive capabilities.

The RMN needed LACs as screens because they couldn't build traditional screening elements and other ships fast enough. Plus, the RMN has a serious limitation of warm bodies.
I don't see how the LAC's help with the warm bodies limitations. There is a carrier with a crew of at least 1,000 people and 120 LAC's with a crew of 10 each. That right there is 2,200 people. Building a destroyer that is exclusively anti missile unit with maximum automation can save a lot on the manpower.

You are looking at it incompletely. LACs prevented the RMN from putting too many eggs in one basket. Lose one LAC and you lose a lot less personnel than you do with a traditional screening element. Finding the bodies to man them is just one aspect of it.

A polity the size of the SL naturally inherits and adopts vastly different doctrines than the rest of the Galaxy. And rightly so. Not only can it afford to do so, it makes good sense for them to use the overabundant resources they have been given as a weapon. They simply do not have the same limitations as other combatants. I simply cannot see how it makes sense for the SL to build LACs when it does not need to. Traditional screening elements custom-built to meet the needs of the current battlefield will do just fine... in enormous numbers.

As a matter of fact, if the SL foregoes the adoption of LACs in favor of escorts, and they manage to produce enormous numbers of them, then Manty doctrine which utilizes LACs will begin to show its weakness. Little wonder they are considering a CLAC that can stay with the fray.

The SL is a huge entity, and it knows it is a huge entity. It knows full-well how much it greatly outweighs and dwarfs its opponents. Their size has always fueled and explained their arrogance.

Profiling is an art form that can be applied to many areas. I can't see the SL adopting the mindset of much smaller opponents, who were desperate and under the gun when they adopted much of their doctrine. The SL must fight their own fight, but with less arrogance, complacence and a bit more strategy. Adopting the mindset of much smaller opponents would ignore their advantages and infer a psychological defeat in itself, and a loss of faith in its overwhelming size. I really don't think their mindset will allow them to build LACs, when they can achieve the same return with more survivable, technologically advanced screens. Which they are already familiar with.

Besides, I think trying to parrot the GA and build LACs will slow them down, because of the many technological advances they would have to overcome first. Quantity is its own quality. That has been at the center of their doctrine for centuries. It also prevents them from having to spread themselves thin protecting their huge periphery. Overwhelming size makes a very effective deterrent. I like the idea of huge numbers of traditional escorts, that is more in keeping with the SLN's speed. And current capability.

And yes, it may take five years for the SL to roll out the first designs from concept to contrails. But that includes R&D and ironing out the kinks. But once they hit their stride, they'll be shitting them out like they got diarrhea.

Plus, consider the GA's LACs. They got three different designs to accomplish three different tactics, something an escort can do naturally. And there is no need to build transports for escorts. You also have to expect that SL ECM will get significantly better, augmenting that enormous missile defense, afforded by huge numbers of escorts supported by new technologies, and newly adopted supporting doctrine and tactics. At any rate, I would imagine that even the RMN would have elected to seed the Galaxy like flies with an enormous number of escorts instead of LACs if it had the choice.

And let us not forget the most obvious advantage the SL has that neither Manticore or Haven rarely ever had. They are not at war with enemy forces chewing up their arms and legs with threats of imminent invasion. They have all the time in the galaxy.

And, like all great quarterbacks, you simply cannot give an enemy of that size and capability all the time in the galaxy.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: GA-League War lessons learned
Post by ThinksMarkedly   » Mon Jul 19, 2021 5:56 pm

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Sigs wrote:But the SLN can deploy at insane numbers of SD(P)'s and escorts if they so choose and all without breaking the bank, they don't have to choose, they can have a lot of everything.

That assumption is not a given.

We know it wasn't true before the end of the war. The SL federal government could not tax directly and therefore their budget was limited. Even if they were efficiently collecting and using those funds, they'd still be limited.

They're writing a new constitution now. Whether the new one will allow direct taxation or not is unknown. I expect that it will either NOT allow direct taxation (thus limiting the federal budget) or it will cause a lot of systems to secede from the League (also limiting the federal budget). Or a third alternative may be a compromise that was acceptable to most wavering members to limit how much can be directly taxed, at least during peace time, but the end result is again that the federal budget is limited.

And as Theemile wrote above, we don't know when that will be ready either. Until then, the SL is broke.

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