PeterZ wrote:I see a massive increase in Rolands, the commerce protection DDs (forgot the class), wards and to a lesser degree Nikes and CLACs. The total hulls will increase significantly even if the total tonnage decreases.
I also believe the RMN will adopt novel approaches to commerce protection. Like loading the LAC module similar to the ones used on Ginger Lewis' ship into the hold of freighter that's part of a convoy. Saves manpower to protect mercies.
Anyway, I can't wait to read the book!
ThinksMarkedly wrote:
We've discussed loading LACs onto freighters and the conclusion is that it's not a good idea. That makes them military targets that can be attacked without "cruiser rules" and it also makes them unable to go to certain systems which can use the presence of military craft as an excuse to deny presence in their territorial volume. Not to mention that it significantly reduces the volume for cargo and increases maintenance complexity. Moreover, while the LACs have range, the home ship is still an eggshell doing no more than 150 gravities. Lose that and the LACs are stranded.
It's probably far easier to detach a small, commerce-protection DD or CL for this role. The actual ship can be swapped for another when they come back to a home port, so this one goes down for maintenance, but leaving the commercial freighters still running without downtime. The number of people assigned to the task is likely comparable.
Military considerations are less important than piracy deterance, at least immediately after UH. Until the number of reliable hulls to patrol where ever the SLN cannot go are sufficient to the need, alternative solutions will be necessary. Piracy is punishable by death. They won't abide any civilised niceties with regards to their Sordid