ThinksMarkedly wrote:cthia wrote:Yes, problems will have to be solved first for certain. We went over this in the ? thread, pp. 75-76. I didn't believe it would be a problem if they are managing to hit the broad side of a barn at its max range now. Anyway, I never got a chance to ask. Didn't TWTSNBN operate at even longer ranges?
No, it was about a light-second, which placed the ship using it well within the energy range of its target. This, more than anything else, is what killed TWTSNBN.At any rate, the massive number crunching behemoth that I posited will be aboard the LDs can solve the problem. The behemoth can certainly coordinate the collective graser fire of the entire Wolfpack from orbit. Problem solved.
You can't solve the number-crunching problem if the problem is inherently random. By its very definition, it can't be predicted.
You can only fire more weapons in hope that something will hit. That argues for more weapons rather than longer range.
I understand what you're trying to say: in order to hold the planet, the LD has to hit the forces advancing upon it before they reach it. The problem is that holding a planet means being in close proximity to it, which limits the LD's own manoeuvres. Certain evasions simply aren't possible, unless they want to hit the atmosphere or splash on the planet. Meanwhile, the recovery forces can throw dozens of cruisers, a hundred DD, and a thousand LAC. Even a full wolfpack of LDs with an enormous quantity of grasers can't take out that many ships before some of them close to their energy range, regardless of whether the range is 15% or more or not. The relief force will come on a high-speed pass to minimise the time it is within the LDs' range but the LDs aren't in theirs.
No, either the presence of the LDs in orbit compels the defenders to surrender (Deneb Acords or not!) or they will have to have cleared the system first. They can't hold a planet against a relief force that large.
Not by themselves, at least. If they bring freighters that disgorge a million missile pods, that's another story. That's why a capital ship, even a squadron thereof, has escorts.
It can be predicted, it just cannot be "analyzed" without "artificial intelligence." After all, those are the same type of algorithms the Peep computer crunched to tear Honor's undies. The "artificial" in the equation is the human sixth sense. An "educated guess." I also once posited the MA grasers will be capable of firing many shots without overheating. The number-crunching alludes to the behemoth coordinating those guesses from a coordinated attack from Wolfpacks.
I agree that the GA will throw a lot of ships at dislodging the LDs from the orbitals, and they will drive hard to target to obtain that objective in the face of losses. After all, that is what the SL was tasked with doing. It is what the Peeps were tasked with doing. It is the tactic all navies once used, that of driving to energy range amidst incredulous losses.
At any rate, you are forgetting how important a system the MBS will be to the MA as a target. There will be more than one Wolfpack in the system. As soon as the orbitals have been seized, other packs will converge upon the planet in mutual support of the one or more packs tasked with securing the orbitals. I also posited stealthy support ships that will kick out all sorts of goodies. Moreover, the pack(s) that seize the orbitals will be configured to hold the orbitals. Those incoming GA ships will have a few toys from the ? thread to reckon with. Like those graser-impeller hybrids. Simply another educated guess.

All, if -- as you say -- the MA doesn't interpret the Deneb Accords to support their idea of controlling the orbitals.