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Wormhole Assault: MA Style

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Re: Wormhole Assault: MA Style
Post by Jonathan_S   » Wed Jan 20, 2021 2:43 pm

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ThinksMarkedly wrote:Transiting a wormhole does use the hypergenerators and sails are necessary. The question is whether the sails are necessary even if you don't use the generator. That is, can you enter the outbound lane without sails (and without impellers) and coast through?

I don't see a reason why not. But we haven't been told either way.

If this is possible, though, a missile can enter a departure or arrival lane, so long as it shuts down its impeller before doing so. It can therefore get closer to the ship it's going to attack before firing its payload. I guess this isn't done because, without its impellers, the missiles are sitting ducks ("coasting ducks" ?) for point defence. And I don't suppose the RMN is in the habit of keeping rocket-powered missiles for this purpose and that's even assuming they'd have any better performance...

I seem to recall RFC saying a ship in the arrival lane can't deployed decoys - and those are primarily RF based devices; and wouldn't seem to produce anything that would create destructive grav interference with the arrival/departure lane.

And we're told that one of the reasons Manticore's pre-war war games overestimated the threat of a Havenite wormhole assault was they hadn't fully comprehended how much laserheads tilted things in favor of the defenders by allowing missiles to engage hostile transiting ships. But my understanding is that laserheads could only do that because their far greater standoff range (compared to any previous missile warhead) meant the missile body didn't have to enter the gravity effects of the arrival lane.

So I took this to mean that a ship, or object, did need a sail to survive long within the limited volume of the arrival/departure lane.
Re: Wormhole Assault: MA Style
Post by Theemile   » Wed Jan 20, 2021 4:11 pm

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Jonathan_S wrote:
ThinksMarkedly wrote:Transiting a wormhole does use the hypergenerators and sails are necessary. The question is whether the sails are necessary even if you don't use the generator. That is, can you enter the outbound lane without sails (and without impellers) and coast through?

I don't see a reason why not. But we haven't been told either way.

If this is possible, though, a missile can enter a departure or arrival lane, so long as it shuts down its impeller before doing so. It can therefore get closer to the ship it's going to attack before firing its payload. I guess this isn't done because, without its impellers, the missiles are sitting ducks ("coasting ducks" ?) for point defence. And I don't suppose the RMN is in the habit of keeping rocket-powered missiles for this purpose and that's even assuming they'd have any better performance...

I seem to recall RFC saying a ship in the arrival lane can't deployed decoys - and those are primarily RF based devices; and wouldn't seem to produce anything that would create destructive grav interference with the arrival/departure lane.

And we're told that one of the reasons Manticore's pre-war war games overestimated the threat of a Havenite wormhole assault was they hadn't fully comprehended how much laserheads tilted things in favor of the defenders by allowing missiles to engage hostile transiting ships. But my understanding is that laserheads could only do that because their far greater standoff range (compared to any previous missile warhead) meant the missile body didn't have to enter the gravity effects of the arrival lane.

So I took this to mean that a ship, or object, did need a sail to survive long within the limited volume of the arrival/departure lane.

Another factor to consider is we know laserheads have been under constant spiral development since their inception. In OBS, we're told that laserheads have a standoff range of 20-30 thousand KM; by WoH, leading navies have 50 thousand KM standoff range - nearly doubling the distance. If the war games Honor sited took place in 1890, it is conceivable that the RMN's best laserhead may only have had a standoff range of no more than 20K - If you figure that a missile would fire several thousand KM from the lane for safety, beams of only 15,000 KM would not be able to saturate the entire lane volume, leaving a volume in the center of the lane unharmed. Add to that consideration, the slow nature of single drive missiles, and their relatively small salvo size in pre-pod combat, it is understandable that the Op forces in the Wargame were able to survive long enough to attrit the defenses.

Of course as the Laserhead matured, the standoff range, the beam lethality, and later the missile acceeration and salvo density greatly increased; and that gap in the Emergence lane shrank to nothing.

However, these very items may have been noticed by the RMN and the outcome of those early wargames were stressed outside the fortress community for far longer than reality should have suggested, Enticing a gullible opponent into a well laid trap.
RFC said "refitting a Beowulfan SD to Manticoran standards would be just as difficult as refitting a standard SLN SD to those standards. In other words, it would be cheaper and faster to build new ships."
Re: Wormhole Assault: MA Style
Post by ThinksMarkedly   » Wed Jan 20, 2021 5:07 pm

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Jonathan_S wrote:I seem to recall RFC saying a ship in the arrival lane can't deployed decoys - and those are primarily RF based devices; and wouldn't seem to produce anything that would create destructive grav interference with the arrival/departure lane.

Without reading exactly what RFC wrote, I could interpret that differently. A decoy still needs an impeller to create sufficient separation from the mothership in order to fool sensors. There's no use creating decoys right next to the ship you're trying to obscure, since that only serves to highlight the location even more and you can see through decoys at short range.

Also remember that the ship that has just transited is bleeding off a lot of energy from its sails. It's impossible to miss it. So every sensor in the defenders' forts is trained on it and it will note the decoys launching and activation.

So it's not that they can't fire of decoys, it's that they serve no purpose and would just be a waste of assets. Similarly, it could fire rocket-propelled missiles launched with mag rails, but those can't turn their impellers on just yet. And pre-war missile tech would also drain their capacitors quickly, so they wouldn't have a lot of endurance to leave the grav shear zone, even if they weren't picked off.

[quote[So I took this to mean that a ship, or object, did need a sail to survive long within the limited volume of the arrival/departure lane.[/quote]

Possible, though whether it furls down the sails quickly or not is actually not important. It can't bring up the wedge, so it's vulnerable from 360° perpendicular to the longitudinal axis, including the least-armoured top and bottom of the ship.
Re: Wormhole Assault: MA Style
Post by ThinksMarkedly   » Wed Jan 20, 2021 5:13 pm

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Theemile wrote:However, these very items may have been noticed by the RMN and the outcome of those early wargames were stressed outside the fortress community for far longer than reality should have suggested, Enticing a gullible opponent into a well laid trap.

I don't think that can be the whole reason. The RMN was really pressed for personnel. So if they had really known those forts weren't all needed, they would have demobilised sooner. Sir Lucien Cortez was ranting about not being able to do that to Honor, after all.

It's likely that they were taking a conservative approach. All indications were that they could reduce the fort complement, but no one wanted to be proven wrong, so they kept up. And besides, as discussed previously, at the outset of OBS, Honor was just a Commander and wouldn't have known those details. Even after making Captain of the List in HotQ she wouldn't have been. I expect she began getting better intel only as Sarnow's Flag Captain in SVW.
Re: Wormhole Assault: MA Style
Post by drothgery   » Fri Jan 22, 2021 4:35 pm


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kzt wrote:In terms of penetrating bubble fields, well, we have never heard anything more detailed than:
6) It's perfectly feasible to fit them on a LD.

This is frequently asserted here, but if there's textev or a Word of Weber on it, I haven't seen it.
Re: Wormhole Assault: MA Style
Post by kzt   » Fri Jan 22, 2021 5:11 pm

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drothgery wrote:
kzt wrote:In terms of penetrating bubble fields, well, we have never heard anything more detailed than:
6) It's perfectly feasible to fit them on a LD.

This is frequently asserted here, but if there's textev or a Word of Weber on it, I haven't seen it.

David posted something that flat out said they could have them, but the glorified tractor drive they use can’t operate through it.
Re: Wormhole Assault: MA Style
Post by Theemile   » Fri Jan 22, 2021 5:39 pm

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kzt wrote:
drothgery wrote:This is frequently asserted here, but if there's textev or a Word of Weber on it, I haven't seen it.

David posted something that flat out said they could have them, but the glorified tractor drive they use can’t operate through it.

So we assume they mount one for defense. But the moment one would be raised, that LD is 100% localized on everyone's grav sensors. So using one is either a death sentence or a declaration that you believe you can take all comers.
RFC said "refitting a Beowulfan SD to Manticoran standards would be just as difficult as refitting a standard SLN SD to those standards. In other words, it would be cheaper and faster to build new ships."
Re: Wormhole Assault: MA Style
Post by ThinksMarkedly   » Fri Jan 22, 2021 5:44 pm

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Theemile wrote:So we assume they mount one for defense. But the moment one would be raised, that LD is 100% localized on everyone's grav sensors. So using one is either a death sentence or a declaration that you believe you can take all comers.

Worse, it's also coasting at that point.

Well, I suppose they could pull the Cerberus manoeuvre and use thrusters, but that has limited endurance and power, especially on a 12 million tonne monster.
Re: Wormhole Assault: MA Style
Post by kzt   » Fri Jan 22, 2021 5:49 pm

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Theemile wrote:
So we assume they mount one for defense. But the moment one would be raised, that LD is 100% localized on everyone's grav sensors. So using one is either a death sentence or a declaration that you believe you can take all comers.

Yup. Or that you can break out and hide.

Based on the example of the RMN being confident that their 12 ton fort being able to take on several dozen SD(P) perhaps they can take on everyone and win.

The other thing to bear in mind is that the time between salvos by a pod vessel can be several minutes. You can produce a very large uncertainty zone in that time. And you will need a very high density attack to defeat something that can take on and win against several dozen SD(P).

Missile sensors are stupid and low resolution so if the the ship can’t see it it probably can’t hit it except by chance. And that’s what PDLCs and CM pods are for.
Re: Wormhole Assault: MA Style
Post by cthia   » Fri Jan 22, 2021 8:27 pm

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Jonathan_S wrote:
cthia wrote:Question:
When ships are in a holding pattern while sitting in the transit lane, aren't they affected by the grav waves in the turbulent rapids? Are thrusters constantly firing?

Well ships wouldn't be sitting in the transit lane. The holding area are well back from that - which is why they can be policed by pinnaces (such as when Fearless's detachment supported Basilisk Astro Control back in OBS). Pinnaces could police ships in the transit lane because you need sails to survive there and pinnaces don't carry sails.

Under common operation there probably aren't multiple ships in a given transit lane at the same time. RFC was talking about emergence lanes, not departure lanes, when he said the ones at the Junction took 4.5 minutes to traverse. But I doubt the departure lanes take any longer. (I swear there's a description RFC provided about the holding areas - but I'm not quickly finding it).

Certainly in OBS when Fearless first transits to Basilisk she watches the freighter ahead of her in line transit, her transit queue position updates to 1, and only then does she move forward and prepare to convert to sails. So Fearless must not have been in the departure lane yet when the previous ship transited. (Though the narrative eludes over the elapsed time between sails being completely rigged and the transit)

Of course OBS also mentions that the Junction was averaging a ship ever 3 minutes - and that would have been split among its 6 then known termini. So it would seem usually ACS would have no need to let ships crowd each other.

You'd only need 2 ships in the same departure lane simultaneously if you had reduced the interval between ships headed there to below 4.5 minutes. And I get the impression that, even now almost 2 decades later, Junction traffic rarely justifies crowding ships like that.

That said, certainly some of the military transits crowded it closer. White Haven racing from Trevor's Star to Basilisk comes to mind; as does 3rd and 8th fleets racing back to the Battle of Manticore. (The later of course topped off by the final bits of 8th fleet pulling off the only simultaneous transit we've seen)
So it's a fair question to ask if there's any extra turbulence they experienced. And, we just don't know.

All I can say is:
1) Any turbulence those warships might have experienced wasn't worth RFC mentioning; either as a risk or an experience.
2) We're told that Astro Control minimum allowed interval between ships is 1 minute - and they didn't say that was only for warships. That hints that freighters would also be able to stand up to any extra turbulence from transits.

So make of it what you will.

But, if ships can't idle in the transit lane, then how do you pull off a mass transit that would shut down the junction?

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense

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