Dilandu wrote:Well, if our phenomenal battleship-killing Church rockets weren't retconned yet , then what about going a bit forward with them? What if we think about rocket-powered interceptor aircraft?
The idea is not excactly impossible one. A rocket-powered interceptor was suggested in France during World War I:
https://rec.aviation.military.narkive.c ... i.1.1.full
Technically, it is not impossible for blackpowder rocket of enough size and in enough quantity to propel the light biplane. Pre-war "photographic rockets" - reconnaisance rockets designed to launch a photo camera into sky and return it on parachute - were good enough. Of course, a dozen or two of such engines could led to the point of catastrophic failure very fast... but hey, only the most daring ones went into early aviation anyway)
So the idea: let's someone outside the Charis develope the idea of rocket-powered plane. After all, kites - including box kites - hardly could be unknow on Safehold, and any country could born a Otto Lilienthal. Who would start with kites, then (maybe with some ideas from Merlin) went to gliders... And then figured out that they have rockets big enough to actually carry a glider in the sky.
P.S. IMHO, but it would fit the Deshnari pretty good. For their noble-based culture, the idea of "knights of the sky", roaring on rockets upward to meet Charisian airships would fit perfectly. During World War 1 (after cavalry proven itself outdated), quite a lot of young, eager aristocratic cavalerists found thenselves in aviation, where they could express their personal skill, courage and general coolness.
While Weber could theoretically make a rocket plane with the tech available. I doubt he would. So far, Weber has adapted SH weapons and equip emend from weapons and equipment that worked. There was only really one rocket propelled plane that ever saw military service of any kind, the HE 162 Komet. It was a dismal failure with a 50/50 chance of cooking the pilot in the cockpit. I would bet on a steam bomber first. Or a diesel powered bomber.