cthia wrote:Things have changed. The author popped into one of my threads with the express purpose to tease me that they ARE ready.
A far BIGGER number than twenty eight Sharks, says the wiki. Confirmed ready by the author.
Theemile wrote:which thead?
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cthia wrote:
And of course, the MA's tech was/is still unfinished. So who's to say how stealthy the final versions will be. Even before decades of more work. Or even what accompanying tech there will be.
I'd like to know how powerful the RFN will be.
I'll have to get back to you on that.
At some point.

Theemile wrote:I read that as saying the Stealth tech is complete and ready to field, as is the accoupling techs required for the LDs, not that there were completed fleets of ships.
We know the lead LDs hulls were almost 50% of the way finished in mid 1921 (after the forces from Oyster Bay had returned to Darius) and the lead ships were already "DN Sized" (or 5.5-7 Mtons). Which puts Completed ships in the 11-15 Million Ton category. As Mentioned elsewhere, their build tech pretty much equated Manticore's in 1900, which took ~36 months to build a 8 Mton SD, so we can assume that the build time on a LD is ~ 4-6 years, allowing the lead LDS to complete no earlier than mid 1923 - though lead ships usually take 20% longer to complete, pushing out construction into early 1924. Since "Lead ship" was used, they are not all being built at once, so one could assume another 6 months to 2 years to complete the rest. Throw in 6 months to work up a ship , and hat gives you the 1925-1927 range.
Huh? The stealth tech has always been complete, pretty much? No one has gotten even more than a ghost of a look at it, for sure. So he couldn't have been talking about that, not when the context of my post centers on the Lennys. And even if he was referring to the tech itself, the tech is no more ready until it is installed, deployed and tested anymore than it would be with the RMN's tech. So, I raise you one stalk of celery.
Theemile, I've never associated you with denial.