SharkHunter wrote:Agreement on both counts, and Beowulf would obviously do what they could for all such folks. My bigger question comes with the fact that these folks are likely to be way beyond the level of the so-called supermen in the "Final War" that the Beowulf code was meant to stop... and unlike those folks (in the stories), the mesan citizenry is unlikely to be sterile. What happens when the next generation of Mesan emigre's children are at the level of say, Honor Harrington? and perhap not so honorably minded?
I don't think they are. The genetic supermen of the Final War were bred to be soldiers, with muscle mass, endurance, aggressiveness and probably not a lot of creative thinking, initiative, possibly even intelligence. Those and other task-specific mods are what need to be rectified and those are now called "genetic slaves." That is, people bred to be workers, miners, pleasure slaves, etc.
Alpha, beta, and gamma lines are not like that. Those are general-purpose improvements. There's no way the MAlign could have unleashed genetic mods with such blatant drawbacks to the general population, even in gamma lines. They'd have been discovered a long time ago. Even if not, the "benign MAlign" people would have noticed that someone was corrupting their purposes.
I have no doubt that the gamma lines have pushed the envelope of what would have been allowed by regular Beowulf Code-compliant improvements, but it's mostly on the
how not the
what. The improvements themselves, even if giving "unfair" advantage in some aspects, are not the issue. It's how the MAlign & LRPB went about it, with cruel experimentation that could and did produce nefarious and deleterious side-effects results, like Francesca Simões.
I put "unfair" in quotes because many such may have happened naturally or are perfectly acceptable. As noted above, high-grav dwellers will generally have more muscle mass and thus strengths, so they will stand out in any contest of pure physical strength. Similarly, inhabitants of places with higher metal toxicity will develop higher tolerance for those substances. I expect a similar thing to happen to those living in poor lighting conditions, developing eyes more sensitive at night. And dwellers of places with lower partial oxygen pressure will have more red blood cells to compensate.
Note how this last one happened and happens on our planet today: just try living for a while in Mexico City or La Paz. Every time there's an international friendly match played against Bolivian teams, the other side complains against "unfair" advantage.