n7axw wrote:
Erls has it right. Due to the replication of scientists in AI form the Federation was able to pressurized its research and reach parity with the Gbaba. However it was not accomplished soon enough to save them. Merlin's assumption is that Safehold will eventually be able to build on that research and produce ships superior to the Gbaba since what the Federation had was the floor necessary for survival.
I agree that the focus should be on getting rid of the Rakuraii. Until that happens Safehold will be stuck at a steam powered level of industrialization.
It's been awhile, but I believe at the time the Ark Fleet left, the Gabba still had a "slight" advantage is sensors and speed, but in all other avenues, the Federation had hit parity or were ahead of the Gabba -
The Gabba had just been acquiring a standardized fleet for >6000 years.
The last major Human fleets were either destroyed or escaped with Operation Ark. And it still took the Gabba 10-20 years so break through the defenses to take Earth. There is no way for this to be so other than Terran technology had eclipsed the Gabba in certain areas, sufficient to hold off the hordes for years.
The USA, the wealthiest nation in the history of the world, may have been able to map the sky with 377 million $ - an amount which is more then the GDP of many nations in the period the mapping took place - and was done over how many years? And that sky map cannot tell you accurately the number of planets around Proxima and Alpha Centari A&B, our closest celestial neighbors. It does not even label all the Earth crossing asteroids, or accurately account for several decent gravitational disturbances in the outer solar system. Our sensor systems would be lucky to see a craft the size of a Honorverse SD in orbit of Mars or Venus, let alone wandering around a neighboring star system.
The Ark fleet might have accumulated such data, but as others have mentioned, until the bombardment system is removed and advanced industrial processes can happen in the open, any attempted observational effort is just wasted effort, and any resources spent on this would be better spent on other endevours. There are several layers of technology which need to be developed and deployed en mass prior to even put more than a handful of people in a think tank. Owl is almost out of certain critical materials, and his limited facilities are already slated for use.