Bluesqueak wrote:gcomeau wrote:
It's a nearly 6X differential.
So take the "both sides are idiots" nonsense out of here.
Wow. Just wow.
Pointing out that trying to declare equivalency between one group killing 6 times the people of another group is nonsense gets a "wow"?
Do you also wow when told water is wet?
Nobody is excusing when someone on the left goes homicidal but this is not even close to a "both sides are idiots" BS equivalency
Uh, you just excused it.
No, I did not. Pointing out objective quantifiable facts is not "excusing" people getting killed.
Unfortunately, that’s a logical fallacy.
No, it is not. When you create a FALSE EQUIVALENCE, that is a logical fallacy.
Pointing out that doing so serves the side you are advantaging with the distortion you are creating is just stating a fact.
You can only declare that there’s no middle ground
Didn't do that. Pay attention.