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Re: Time to read THE LAST CENTURION?
Post by cthia   » Sat Jul 04, 2020 8:38 am

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n7axw wrote:
gcomeau wrote:Came out in congressional testimony the other day from Fauci and other agency heads on the Covid task force that Trump hasn't even spoken to any of his health experts about the pandemic in like 2 and a half weeks.

He has completely vacated his leadership responsibilities in the middle of a crisis.

It's even worse than that. He is going down to those southern states with his dammed rallies, crowding people in shoulder to shoulder, no masks and holding them where they have the worst spikes.

I wonder if he could be brought up on charges of manslaughter come January...



Manslaughter my ass. His decision is premeditated, after the warning, therefore, nothing short of murder.

It isn't a coincidence that the hardest hit states in the resurge of Covid-19 seem to be the Republican held states that hinge on his every word like Pied Pipettes.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Time to read THE LAST CENTURION?
Post by Annachie   » Sun Jul 05, 2020 6:48 am

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Man 2, basically negligence iirc. Though it depends a little on specific state law.
You are so going to die. :p ~~~~ runsforcelery
still not dead. :)
Re: Time to read THE LAST CENTURION?
Post by n7axw   » Sun Jul 05, 2020 9:49 am

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Annachie wrote:Man 2, basically negligence iirc. Though it depends a little on specific state law.

Sometimes referred to as involuntary manslaughter. I follow a retired federal prosecutor on utube who thinks that would be the appropriate charge for Trump.


When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: Time to read THE LAST CENTURION?
Post by cthia   » Sun Jul 05, 2020 12:14 pm

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Annachie wrote:Man 2, basically negligence iirc. Though it depends a little on specific state law.

That is certainly all Trump might end up on the lamb for, being he is a rich white man, even without his acting career playing POTUS.

But in my mind -- and most if not all of the minds of the victims' families -- it is nothing short of murder.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Time to read THE LAST CENTURION?
Post by n7axw   » Sun Jul 05, 2020 12:56 pm

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cthia wrote:
Annachie wrote:Man 2, basically negligence iirc. Though it depends a little on specific state law.

That is certainly all Trump might end up on the lamb for, being he is a rich white man, even without his acting career playing POTUS.

But in my mind -- and most if not all of the minds of the victims' families -- it is nothing short of murder.

Sorting all that out is the job of the courts, not individuals. That's a good thing. It provides justice some shelter against the passions of the moment.

I know if it's left to me Trump would get a one way to trip to the pen. So it's probably best not left to me...


When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: Time to read THE LAST CENTURION?
Post by gcomeau   » Mon Jul 13, 2020 10:59 am


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We have now reached the stage in the Trump administration's amazing pandemic response plan where they are running a smear campaign against their own leading infectious disease expert because he keeps telling people facts and that contradicts most of what comes out of Trump's mouth... while Trump retweets Covid conspiracy theories from the former host of The Love Connection.

Sure is a mystery how the US is doing so abysmally compared to the rest of the developed world...
Re: Time to read THE LAST CENTURION?
Post by n7axw   » Mon Jul 13, 2020 3:16 pm

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gcomeau wrote:We have now reached the stage in the Trump administration's amazing pandemic response plan where they are running a smear campaign against their own leading infectious disease expert because he keeps telling people facts and that contradicts most of what comes out of Trump's mouth... while Trump retweets Covid conspiracy theories from the former host of The Love Connection.

Sure is a mystery how the US is doing so abysmally compared to the rest of the developed world...

Aside from his groupies, do you think anyone is listening to him?


When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: Time to read THE LAST CENTURION?
Post by gcomeau   » Mon Jul 13, 2020 5:26 pm


Posts: 2747
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n7axw wrote:
gcomeau wrote:We have now reached the stage in the Trump administration's amazing pandemic response plan where they are running a smear campaign against their own leading infectious disease expert because he keeps telling people facts and that contradicts most of what comes out of Trump's mouth... while Trump retweets Covid conspiracy theories from the former host of The Love Connection.

Sure is a mystery how the US is doing so abysmally compared to the rest of the developed world...

Aside from his groupies, do you think anyone is listening to him?



Unfortunately he has more than enough groupies to completely screw up the ability of the country to properly contain the pandemic...
Re: Time to read THE LAST CENTURION?
Post by n7axw   » Mon Jul 13, 2020 10:28 pm

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I have completely given up on expecting or even hoping for anything positive to come out of the White House as long as Trump is behind the desk in the oval office.

As for Fauci, he is going to be fine. He has more credibility in his little pinky than Trump has in his whole body. Face it. We're going to have to look elsewhere than the White House for leadership until Trump is gone. That was obvious long before covid blew up in our faces. Let's just hope that the country has better sense than to re-elect the doofus.


When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: Time to read THE LAST CENTURION?
Post by gcomeau   » Wed Jul 15, 2020 6:43 pm


Posts: 2747
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The White House is now trying to deny that Trump is on bad terms with Fauci. Claiming they have a very good working relationship.

In *any* administration if you were in a pandemic and you had the leading expert on infectious disease on your pandemic response team being absolutely smeared in print by another member of your administration in a USA Today op-ed trying to discredit their competence and undermine public trust in the directions coming from that team while thousands of Americans were dying... that Op-Ed writer would be fired within the hour.

Does Navarro still have a White House position? Yep. Which means he had (and still has) Trump's blessing to smear Fauci.

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