ThinksMarkedly wrote:
Maybe not 240, but what is the exact number? Honor had demonstrated at Solon, despite losing, that two Invictus protected by LACs could shrug off 11,000 missiles. 42 SD(P)s, though most of them Medusas, deserved attention. The other Gryphon- and Sphinx-class SDs should not be ignored either. The big issue was the number of LACs, which they could not properly predict.
Then the RHN might just surrender if the RMN and their 42 SD(P)'s and 48 SD's can survive 195,000 targeted missiles and 80,000 blindly fired missiles but the RHN with their 80 SD(P)'s and 100 SD's get destroyed by a salvo of 150,000 missiles. If the RMN can survive 2-1 odds in both SD(P)'s AND SD's the RHN is done and can go home.
Overkill is acceptable IF you have something to face the fixed defences with aside from the 140 SD(P)'s with various degree of damage. Again, if the RMN can destroy 80 SD(P)'s and 100 SD's with Home Fleet's 42 SD(P)'s and 48 SD's then the RHN might as well surrender.Overkill is an acceptable outcome. Underkill is not: if the attacking force is neutralised and Home Fleet survives, it can go after the other force.
Yeah, if the RHN needed 5.7-1 odds in SD(P)'s it was game over with or without Apollo. Do you realize you are aruing that the RHN needed 240 SD(P)'s to take out 42 SD(P)'s. If that is the case then the RHN needs at least 2,100 SD(P)'s to be able to face the MA and their 360 SD(P)'s in equal odds, and I doubt the RHN has 2,100 SD(P)'s in their back pocket.Theisman and Tourville calculated half a million missiles necessary to gut Home Fleet. Why are you calculating less than 200,000? Do you know somoething they overlooked but should have known?
It is for the 3rd tier systems that get them. But even if there are 50-100 of them they will be in the bottom 1/3-1/2 of the Republic's systems rather than higher up where they are likely to face actual combat.
The info from RFC himself says there were no BBs left (the line actually completely missing from the table). But you're right that Hera system still had two. As the discussion between Andrea and Honor goes, it's probably just a handful here and there, on the way to decommissioning so their contribution wasn't a factor.
They shouldn't have had DN's and BB's to begin with. They build 330 SD(P)'s, they had to mothball some SD's to man those SD(P)"s and they should have started right off the bat with the BB's and DN's but that is not truly relevant. I would bring even BB's if I had them but that's just me.Either way, by the time of the conversation between Theisman and Pritchart, manpower was an issue and they were decommissioning SDs. The RHN wouldn't keep any crew on a BB if they could be user on an SD or SD(P) or CLAC. So at this point, defence was likely consisting of BC and lower, SD and up only. No BBs or DNs anywhere to be seen.
Yeah, and using the commander who pounded your top commander as the face of the new offensive seems like a no brainer. Uhm, sorry Honor but you are such a great defensive commander that we will deploy you to defend Alizon and give command of 8th Fleet to someone else... we REALLY need to protect Alizon.
I'm not sure where you're going with this.
You're questioning Theisman and the RHN Admiralty and NavSec. Sure, you have different ideas and they could have worked given you know something they didn't. I simply asked the question: given the parameters of what they were planning for, who would they use for the defence? Giscard had just won a battle against Eighth Fleet.
Yeah, apparently I do know something they don't, they can duplicate 8th Fleet tactics and do to the alliance what 8th Fleet is doing to the republic, they can force the MA to redeploy to cover both the Andermani Empire and Silesia. Imagine if suddenly 40+ SD(P)'s showed up in the empire and took out one of their systems, what happens with the 40 IAN SD(P)'s deployed to the minor allies? I would bet they are recalled so fast that it would make the smaller allies dizzy. And to top it off the Empire will be demanding SD(P) reinforcements from the MA.
Yeah because the majority of the RHN is deployed on the opposite side of Haven.
Travel time. The courier could have to go in the wrong direction to bring the mission orders and they would have had further to travel.
And you are assuming they are all on the other side. And what if? And what if? And what if? And what if? And what if? And what if? And what if? And what if? And what if? And what if? And what if? And what if?
You're making an assumption that the bulk of the RHN is betwewen Haven and Manticore. Nothing in the text supports that conclusion. Given that Eighth Fleet was doing deep raids weeks from its supporting base, why couldn't they attack systems on the other side from Haven? And if so, why wouldn't the RHN set up pickets in them?
It boils down to this, their plan called for ~330 SD(P)'s and they magically showed up with only 330 SD(P)'s. So either the rest of the RHN wasn't ready at all or they left them behind because they weren't part of the plan.
That's my point, the reason there are only 335 SD(P)'s in 2nd/5th is because of plot, if they brought 580 SD(P)'s, 300 SD's, 70 CLAC's and 700 escorts to the battle the MA loses, so either 2nd/5th is weak enough that 8th Fleet can beat them/bluff them or the python lump happens.
If the Python Lump, with another 50 SD(P)s -- all of them Invictus class -- is out of the yards, then those extra ships would not suffice. Especially if those ships are Keyhole II-capable. The Python Lump would also have a number of Agamemnons and Nikes which would thicken the missile offence and defence.
Forget increasing your forces to 1000 SD(P)s supported by 35000 LACs. If Manticore is defended by 50 Apollo-equipped SD(P)s, the battle is lost.
You cant tell me that 250 SD(P)s, 300 SD's, 600+ Escorts and 60+ CLAC's were all conveniently too far away for them to make it on time and the RHN just happened to have just barely enough to execute the original plan with the same number of ships.
Sorry, I didn't mean that. I meant that the time between the Battle of Lovat and the Battle of Manticore was 10 weeks. Of which 8 weeks would be spent in travel. Whether the fleet was 1 week away from Haven by DB or 7 weeks doesn't matter: the total time combined by the DB and the fleet is 8 weeks.
So it takes 8 weeks to go the 300 LY from Haven to Manticore?
They are in a friendly system, they should be always stocked. If an overwhelming force comes into the system and forces you to retreat you have to be able to actually retreat, and you have to be able to if nothing else maintain some ships in system for prolonged period of time to gather intel if for no other reason. Not having your ships ready for retreat if it comes to that seems like a recipe for a suicidal last stand, and planning to retreat to the nearest system doesn't count unless you can guarantee 100% that the nearest system is not occupied by the enemy.
Someone more familiar with military strategy has to chime in whether always being prepared for long trips is even possible. Consider this: do they have sufficient perishables for 2 months of travel at all times? If not, can they load sufficient in 2 days?
I've eaten rations for weeks on end, I've slept in tents for weeks on end as well, they will survive just fine. After all they are in the military.Sending the fleet on rations doesn't seem like a good idea to me. They'd get there, but morale would be sufficiently low to compromise combat effectiveness.
Those also account for the ships Manticore Gifted the GSN. Also the Grayson started from scratch in 1905, between 1905 and 1915 they were in a constant state of expansion so how many ships they build before 1912 has no bearing on how many ships they can build 1915-1919.
I mentioned the GSNS Honor Harrington's hull number to give an idea how many ships the Grayson yards could construct. Yes, she was the first SD(P) ever, not the 31st.
Python lump would be the ships they laid down from November 1919 on right after Thunderbolt.
That's the Python Lump. Which did not launch until October or November, so Caparelli was optimistic.
So Caparelli is wrong on how many ships the MA can have in 18 months, and Theisman is wrong on how many ships the RHN has... got it.Or didn't take into account the need to fit them them with Keyhole II, which delayed the process.
Python lump. November/December 1919 till November 1921 is JSUT ENOUGH time to get those ships done.The ships 2 years out are those that would be laid out at the moment the war started, as Manticore builds a superdreadnought in 24 months.
Did it really? Because for the IAN they designed their own ships and the RMN had to create a solution, the GSN and the RMN would have been building their SD(P)'s from the ground up with those modifications in place. As for the SD(P)'s under construction in 1919 for the RMN and GSN, Im going to go ahead and tell you they finished them as soon as they could, having 90-100 SD(P)'s now when you are desperate is soo much better than having 90-100 keyhole capable ships 6 months too late.Also note how the delay in the Python Lump, which applied to the IAN, probably also applied to the GSN. The addition of Keyhole II inserted a delay into already-in-process ships.
Notice how I said they didn't?So the Alliance did not have 400 ships at the moment the Battle of Manticore started.
Thanks for confirming my math here buddy.Yes, that's what Theisman estimated they'd have when he talked to Pritchart, but he was including all 120 IAN SD(P)s which we know weren't ready. So the total must be 320-340, at most.
The Manticore yards will not deliver the ships laid down in late 1919 for a few months, the ships that were between 30% and 70% done are going to be finished quicker and in small batches rather than 1 lump sum.
We know the Manticoran shipyards wouldn't deliver their share until three or four months after the Battle of Manticore. As I said above, the delays might have pushed the additions you're mentioning further out.
Or he is 450 LY away from New Berlin and doesn't have up to date info, or more likely he is 450 LY away AND the empire's intelligence network is really good so he cant get intel.Tell that to the Emperor. There's no way he'd agree to critically uncovering his capital world or his important shipyards. Note how Theisman not knowing where the 120 Andermani wallers are probably indicates those yards are not in New Berlin.
Yeah, big loss for the MA, the small nations that are a drain on the Alliance's capital ships might abandon the alliance.The Sultan of Zanzibar might protest and make the Alliance fragile in the long run if his system is uncovered,
And then he ends up out of the alliance, at war with the republic waiting for the republic to crush Manticore and Grayson, use them to attack the empire and take the empire out.The Gustav Anderman can simply order his ships not to go, plus recall his contributions to Eighth Fleet.
Prove it.
Which ones survived the Battle of Manticore? Almost all of the new construction was delayed because of the need to add Keyhole II.
And the RHN is going to do what exactly? Go in and capture Grayson? Destroy its industry? Will that end the war?They have a stronger Home Fleet than the Manticoran Home Fleet for a reason and the reason is what you said: there's no strategic reserve 6 hours away, which you can order to start moving in 18 minutes. Manticore was the target that RHN did attack, but it need not be the only one. The yards in Grayson were building Apollo missiles and Keyhole II enabled ships just like in Manticore. Probably at a smaller scale, but at a non-negligible contribution. A simple rule of thumb is that Manticore would be contributing 50%, Grayson 25% and the Andermani another 25%. Presenting juicy targets to the RHN would be unwise. Especially the one that, until the Python Lump and new construction really did go forward, was the premier navy in the alliance and was carrying the biggest load.
The RHN is staring at a losing war, what they do, they know will be returned with interest in a few months. So their only hope is a quick victory or do just enough to piss off the Alliance into blowing the republic's industry on the way to Haven.
And more importantly we don't know if the GSN didn't keep 20 or so of the SD(P)'s with Keyhole for their Home Fleet.
Ok, Cant weaken New Berlin, cant weaken the smaller allies, cant weaken Grayson...maybe the MA can ask the SLN to send them a few SD's for defence.No, weakening Grayson is irresponsible.
Where the hell is the RHN going to get 320 SD(P)'s? Remember they had only 620 total as you are so quick to argue, 32 destroyed in Lovat, 319 in Manticore which leaves the RHN with a total of 269 SD(P)'s which means they cant hit anyone, because if they hit Manticore and get their remaining fleet crushed the ships guarding the minor allies, GSN and IAN Home Fleets and all other SD(P)'s will be stripped to form a fleet to go and beat the Republic into submission, and since we haven't seen the fixed defences in action we can safely assume that the RHN will lose a lot before they take Manticore and that's without Home Fleet being rebuild and the MA will reshuffle ships from the allies even if they have to weaken them all, otherwise the MA loses its meaning since the SKM is in dire need and its allies wont help.So as a conclusion, there aren't enough movable forces in commission at the time of the Battle of Manticore that could be used to reinforce Eighth Fleet against another 320 RHN SD(P)s.