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Trump openly inciting violence against Democrats. | |
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Posts: 2747
https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/sta ... 92993?s=19
The first words in that video... the very first ones... not some line buried a few minutes in but the VERY FIRST FUCKING LINE is "I've come to a place, where I've come to a conclusion that the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat." And the president of the United States retweeted it to his entire following. Approvingly. Go ahead Trump apologists, let's hear the excuses. |
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Re: Trump openly inciting violence against Democrats. | |
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Posts: 3595
Looking from a distance, it does appear that he is losing it, and the last few controls are slipping.
To an outsider Trump has always appeared to be somewhat incredible, along the lines that you say "Can no one else see what he is like?" However it does seem that just perhaps his more moderate supporters are starting to have second thoughts. Unfortunately the only alternative is Joe Biden, whom I believe to be a good person, but just too old by far. |
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Re: Trump openly inciting violence against Democrats. | |
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Posts: 5997
Umm..."Can no one else see what he was like?" I've been wrestling with that since before he was nominated. It only took 15 minutes on google to lay bare what this man was like, or at least how he conducted his own affairs and it was certainly no one you would want in the oval office. As for your second point, I agree with that as well. If Joe keeps it together, he is exactly what the doctor ordered, but as you say, he is too old. A good, competent vp choice would be good now. Warren comes off as far and away the most capable, but of the ones most visible, any of them could do the job. Don - When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
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Re: Trump openly inciting violence against Democrats. | |
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Senior Chief
Posts: 227
My first thought was that dead Democrats keep on voting for decades after they are 6 feet under... especially in Chicago... of course I have heard worse from Democrat office holders; Maxine Waters comes to mind... a real looney toon. |
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Re: Trump openly inciting violence against Democrats. | |
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Posts: 3099
You are so going to die. :p ~~~~ runsforcelery ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ still not dead. ![]() |
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Re: Trump openly inciting violence against Democrats. | |
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The E
Posts: 2704
Okay, so just to confirm: Your response to the President of the United States quoting someone's statement that begins with "the only good democrat is a dead democrat" is basically a shrug? |
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Re: Trump openly inciting violence against Democrats. | |
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Posts: 2747
There is an uncomfortably large element of Trump's support base who have always been aware he was a wannabe authoritarian dictator with no respect for the rule of law or democratic institutions, whose role models of strong leadership are Kim Jong Un and Putin and Xi and Duterte... who wouldn't think twice about a reign of terror if he ever got the opportunity to enact one and just don't give a crap as long as it's initially directed at people they don't like. (I stress... *initially*.) |
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Re: Trump openly inciting violence against Democrats. | |
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Posts: 3595
As an outsider I'm amazed at this post.
Are the political fault lines so deep that you really think that is an appropriate response?
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Re: Trump openly inciting violence against Democrats. | |
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Posts: 5997
No, you haven't heard worse from Maxine Waters. She can get pretty loud and in your face with her point of view. But she has never advocated violence against anyone. I suspect that a comment like this reflects a bias against strong black women.
As for Daryl's question, our divisions are pretty deep. From my point of view, much of what we are looking at is with the election of Donald Trump, the extreme right has been main streamed. Worse, the Republicans, instead of sticking with Reagan/Goldwater style conservatism, seem to be drinking the Trump coolaid. I hope that what will happen after Trump is gone is that they wake up from their hang over and sober up and get back to selling conservatism to the public in a more normal way as well as opening their party to people of color since that is what they will need to do to survive in an increasingly diverse society. But if they keep drinking the coolaid , things are going to stay tense for a long time. If they choose that route, I see them marginalizing themselves. Frankly, having the Republicans spend some time in the political wilderness would be a good thing both for them and the country as a whole. Don - When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
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Re: Trump openly inciting violence against Democrats. | |
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Posts: 228
At least be honest enough to admit that for every drop of Rightist KoolAid, there is an equivalent drop of Leftist KoolAid. Instead of trying to find common ground, BOTH parties are racing to the extremes. |
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