Daryl wrote:Saw Trump on TV today looking puzzled when asked what life would be like post Covid-19? He had to think for a moment, then said words to the effect that "In a few months it will be back just as it always was".
There is considerable debate over just how widespread the infection is and therefore how deadly it is.
The official numbers suggest that less than 0.1% of the world population has been infected and that the lethality rate is close to 5%. So far, the plague is trivial. However; the plague might return next year and spreads so that the number of cases is measured in the billions rather than millins. Loosing 5% of the world population to a plkague is ugly, but very survivable if it is a one time only event and most of the victims are elderly who will soon be dying anyway. If the Caronavirus is like the flu and mutates enough to resist antibodies and vaccines, then it might become a recurrent event. Lossing five percent of the population every year for a decade or two will be catastrophic.
There are some random testing studies that suggest that the number of Coronavirus infections are two or three orders of magnitude higher than the official numbers. If so, then the Coronasvirus is no more deadly than the common flu and all of the social distancing and lockdown measures have been ineffective. If this is true, then life will become normal again as soon as governments allow it.
I am an agnostic about the true severity of the Coronvirus. I want to see a lot more random testing with validated tests. It is very possible that President Trump has been briefed on such testing and that these tests confirm that the plague has been massively overhyped. If so, President Trump is confronted by the need to repair the massive economic damage inflicted by the overhype and cope with the political implications. His Coronobvirus advisors (Fauci and Birx) might have been merely wrong. However; given the context of Alsxander Vindman triggering the impeachment efforts and the pandemic counciding with the impreachment, President Trump is compelled to consider the possibility of intentional fraud to discredit him. If this has been the case, people SHOULD be executed for treason.