ThinksMarkedly wrote:
You don't stop them from R&D. But research, development and building your first R&D is an affair measured in years: just look at how long it too the Carlucci Industries to get to the first waller for Maya. The deal was struck in 1919 and by 1923 they hadn't entered service yet. And this was in Erewhon, that did have a navy, did operate DNs and old Manticoran SDs and did receive some help from the Grantville government to revert some of the damage from the High Ridge government.
It will take time, it might take dacades but I imagine most Core and Shell systems have access to the designs for all the SLN's ships. It's not great but it gives you a starting point to start building your industry from. Building what would quickly become an obsolete design is stupid unless you are doing it specifically to build experience and capability. Within 5 years you are just about done your first ships, within 10 you are building a couple of SD's a year and a dozen escorts. Within 20 years, through various means in addition to R&D you can have ships coming down the pipeline that can conceivably go against an similar class GA ship 2 to 1. By the time you have adequate level of technology to feel safe from the League and the GA you would have a large, professional, well trained navy and plenty of somewhat obsolete ships to keep any greedy neighbours from getting any ideas.
And that's fine. Good for them to invest in local industries. And good for them if they follow the playbook to build in steps: first DDs, then cruisers, then BC and only after that, wallers.
It's good and bad, its good because with substantial naval industry in dozens or hundreds of independent nations gives them the ability to build their own ships and quickly build up fleets to resist the League should they try to regain control. The bad on the other hand is that with dozens or hundreds of independent nations researching, designing and building their own ships many will be bound to start wars.
That's a good point and it may happen. The question is how fast SDs end up in the hands of those regional governments. If they have to buy from the current producers or they try to develop from scratch, it's a gradual process, including the chance of some fiscal-conservative policy makers coming in and slashing the budget half-way in many sytems.
System x secedes from the League, many members of the SLN from system x might want to leave so they can become part of system x's navy they just might come with their own ships. You don't need SD's right now if you don't have the crews, if you do have the crews, chances are the SD's cam with some of the crews.
The SLN is not going to give ships to the governments that want to use those ships as a deterrent against SLN aggression. That's my whole point: the SLN is better off scrapping and melting those ships than letting their former members or new Verge regional governments having them.
They may not have a choice, and they may not care. Those ships will be obsolete soon enough, for some of the core and shell they may be satisfied keeping those ships in service, for the verge an SD might represent an investment well outside their abilities especially since they are not needed right this minute.
Unless they want to create a captive market. I'm not sure if this was your argument above, but it can be read that way. By selling those governments ships for less than the cost it would take them to R&D and build them themselves, those governments will not do the R&D. Later, when they want to upgrade to non-obsolete designs, they won't have a local industry to rely upon and will instead have to buy from an existing combine.
Give them the shpips, sell them export version once the SLN catches up. This way the League always keeps their neighbours at a lower level than their own fleet and keeps them from trying to catch up because no matter how far behind they are there is always the chance that one or more of them will make breakthroughs that make the GA and SLN obsolete, they already went through one of those with the GA...last thing they want is round 2 with someone else. If the SLN makes serious changes in their intelligence and counter intelligence, research and development and training they can be a trailblazer soon enough, the last thing they want is having the chance that one or 2 of the hundreds of other nations will make a breakthrough to embarrass them and endanger them again better to keep them in your corner and dependant on you where if they piss you off you can cut weapons.
Another thing is that if the League is reduced to say 500 systems, selling ships and munitions to even half of the newly independent nations will keep the League's arms industry big enough that during war time they can increase their forces real quick. Plus having a proper reserve will only help the situation.