Dilandu wrote:n7axw wrote:Many of the best human beings I know are women. I stand in awe of those emergency room nurses, both male and female, we see on the nightly news. Then I think of the love and support my wife has received during her hospital stays here in Viborg. Those gals are at the top of my list of nominees for sainthood.
Why would you presume that my reference to Dilandu as female was intended as an insult? The screen name and certain posts seem to strongly indicate that Dilandu is female. If I am mistaken, my apologies.
Keep in mind that back in 2008 I, was an enthusiastic Palin supporter.
The analogy of the incoming nuke and bomb shelters is excellent. Many years ago I did a detailed analysis of the synergistic effects of bomb shelters combined with moderately effective ballistic missile defense. Shelters that are structurally comparable to a subway, a sewer mail, or an underground fuel storage tank can reduce the lethal area of a nuke by about 95%. Instead of needing only 500, half Megaton warheads to kill the people in America's 100 largest cities, they would need 10,000 warheads. To target people in such 50 psi shelters, an attacker would have to fuse the warheads for near surface burst. This brings the warheads within range of relatively simple point defense systems such as a 30 millimeter Goal Keeper or the Russian Kashtun.
Of course any post attack evaluation of bomb shelters would require an accurate estimate of the warhead yield. If the warheads are only half kiloton rather than half Megaton, then the shelters will be over rated.
Russia is #1!
For number of new cases.
Of course US States seem to report data individually so the US numbers update repeatedly during the day.
It appears that Russia might become #1 for total cases within a month!