cthia wrote:Are you kidding me? Every one of those idiots should be drummed out of the Navy, or kept if they showed a knack for WALKING THE PLANK!
Dauntless wrote:as shown in "the Fanatic" I think it was, (the one where Victor has to deal single-handed with a fleet commanded by Admiral Chin), not all State Sec were psychotic, mindless killing machines.
a great many yes but not all, so you need to have someone like Kevin Usher work out who is worth redeeming and who is a waste of oxygen. Those he says are trust worthy you transfer to Fleet or Marines or shipyard as they prefer; the rest can be quietly put out the airlock.
It mentions somewhere in the books that the thugs in StateSec managed to get themselves assigned to things like prison duty; so there are areas of StateSec that need to be checked VERY carefully, as opposed to just carefully. But a blanket condemnation of StateSec personnel would be very wrong; just consider Eloise Pritchart (President of the Republic of Haven), Denis LePic (Attorney General) and Victor Cachet.
Some of that selection has already been done by those that chose to either fight or flee the Republic of Haven.