ThinksMarkedly wrote:
Let's make a quick check on math on building a few SDs a year doesn't add to 10000 SDs. Manticore's first SD (HMS Manticore) is from 1750. Let's say they were 30 years late and the SLN had their first in 1720. That means in the past 200 years, they built 50 SDs per year. We know that the RMN is now the fastest ever at building SDs, clocking 22 months from laying the keel to commissioning. That means the SLN must have an average of at least 100 SDs being built at any point in time, over the last 200 years. Since they take 4 years to build an SD instead of Manticore's 2, that's an average of 200 SDs in construction at any time. If they kept this average until today, they're commissioning 50 SDs every year.
Why are you assuming that they started building SD's in 1720? In 1544 Manticore was still deciding if they needed a fleet, they were under threat and they were still deciding whether they really needed the RMN or not. So it's not unlikely that even with those threats they faced the SKM had decided that BB's and BC's were enough. Coincidently they started building SD's after the People's Republic turned conqueror in the early 1700’s, they knew they had something of value(the junction) and they determined they needed something to protect the system.
It's possible that they are building far fewer now than they were, say, 50 years ago. If they cut building capacity to one fourth, that's still 50 SDs in construction any point in time and commissioning 12 or 13 every years.
I would venture a guess that when the SD’s become a thing the League was a lot more willing to spend money building up SD’s and once they got Battle Fleet up to 2,000 SD’s they slowed down.
I guess that counts as "a handful".
A single system nation like the SKM averaged ~7 SD’s a year for 45 years during their prewar buildup so a nation like the League and their 1,700 members averaging only 7 times what the RMN averaged is considered a handful.
No doubt. The war needs to be long enough to show that the SLN is incompetent, to draw out the worst of the Mandarins, for them to try and squeeze the money out of the Verge, even attempt that Constitutional Amendment to tax directly, but short enough to prevent the SLN R&D to catch up and put it into production. Remember that in this scenario, there's no Apollo, so the bar isn't that high. The RHN did effectively catch up with an even worse educational base in 3 years. The difference is that they did so without an external threat and with a shipyard (Bolthole) out of reach and even knowledge of any of the combatants.
The Verge is as pissed off at the League as they can be already and the Core/Shell systems don’t really care or care to know. Giving an opponent time hang himself and hoping that he does especially without the MA egging them on is asking for trouble. What happens if after a couple of battles the mandarins decide to go on the defensive until they have comparable weapons? Or they mobilise the ships from the reserve that are newest and easiest to mobilize, they may be only 500-1,000 but that still gives them more ships to use against the GA and if they pushed hard they can find the manpower to man those ships. The newest SD’s from the reserve would not be as useless vs 1914 tech like they were against 1921 tec, and all they need is 1 lucky move like attacking and capturing the Beowulf Terminal and then the core isn’t as threatened and they have more breathing space.
And we did see how quickly Cataphracts were put together. I'd say that the Cataphracts-A would come about within 1 year of the start of this war, maybe a bit longer if the MAlign isn't feeding TIY prepared research from Buttercup. Cataphracts-C and pods would be within 2 years, which is dangerous to the GA forces. So this war needs to wrap up before the 2 year mark.
They may have the designs for pods already but the SLN doesn’t see the value in them until they are the recipients of missile pods…hell they can have designs for LAC’s comparable to Cintemmeres but the SLN doesn’t want them because they are not real warships and only for Neobarbs… giving them 6 months is a bad idea a year is worse, 2 years is just asking for it.