Dilandu wrote:but he is on the side of the outdated ideas, and history have zero tolerance for clinging to the past.
Maybe freedom and self-determination are ‘outdated ideas’ but I will stick with them. The calendar disagrees, but it sure feels like Nineteen Eighty-Four is on the way. Along with Animal Farm.
How long will this shit go on? Until the last corona virus dies of old age? We can see now that the scary numbers they’ve been throwing around are bullshit. Remember those? 2 million dead in the U.S. alone, out of 20 million cases? Of course, now they’re pretending they never said that.
Antibody testing now reveals that COVID19 has been spreading from Seattle, Portland and other U.S. cities since October 2019, and that the total number of cases is 50 to 80 times as many as were reported when only the sickest 2% or 3% were tested. This means the true mortality rate is, and always has been, less than 0.1% — no worse than the average flu virus.
Total U.S. deaths from all causes are running some 20%
LOWER than the average of the preceding four years, a trend that started in 2019, months before the panic, and AFTER the virus had been spreading for two months.
The U.S. Army has taken down its emergency field hospital outside Seattle because it never saw a single patient. The hospital ships Mercy and Comfort are departing from New York and Los Angeles because they were not needed. Hospitals are losing money because they turned away most of their regular patients to make room for a massive influx of ‘pandemic’ cases that never came.
We can’t even trust the reported deaths. CDC has issued ‘guidelines’ for reporting COVID19 deaths that do not require testing, only ‘symptoms consistent with’ or the patient was ‘exposed or suspected to have been exposed’ before dying. That part includes everybody in every hospital. The federal government
PAYS HOSPITALS EXTRA for every death they report as ‘caused by COVID19’ under those ridiculously loose guidelines. I’m sure some doctors stick to their ethics, but I’m equally sure some do not, and which ones do the hospital administrators assign to fill out those forms? How many will resist the temptation to falsely inflate the statistics when there is no risk, the hospital is going broke, and they can get all that ‘free money’ by just putting a few words on a piece of paper?
Some of the ‘emergency measures’ being taken would make more sense if the authorities were
TRYING to spread the virus and maximize fatalities. New York has not even shut down the subways, where thousands of people are packed into big metal cans, but they have reduced the schedules, ensuring that the remaining trains are packed even tighter. New York Public Health Director Howard Zucker is sending patients
KNOWN to have the virus to nursing homes filled with the people most at risk while ‘reserving’ masks and gloves only for the hospitals. Flights from China were STILL landing in Seattle and Toronto three weeks ago.
It’s about 99% political theater and 1% public health, if that.
People can make stupid mistakes, but only the government can force everybody to make the
SAME stupid mistakes.