TFLYTSNBN wrote:The problem we have is that the people who should be qualified to deal with a pandemic have FUBARed the response. The US response has been devastated by the incompetence of the CDC in developing a flawed test for the Coronavirus that was inherently vulnerable to a huge rate of false positives if not assembled perfectly, refusing to outsource production to competent labs, then lying to their superiors and ultimately President Trump that they had it under control.
Oh ffs, anything to shift blame to anyone except
the guy in charge. As usual.
The CDC has been kneecapped constantly by Trump from the very beginning.
They had advance personnel in China whose job was to look out for potential emerging pandemics. Trump spent the last two years eliminating them at the same time he as getting rid of the Pandemic response team in the Whit House.
The CDC issued a public health advisory about COVID on Jan 8, dispatched 100 people to airports to screen arrivals from Wuhan in mid January, issued public statements that they expected Covid to spread globally including inside the Unites States on Jan 21st... and Jan 22nd Trump declares in Davos that they are "not at all" worried about a pandemic and they have it totally under control. Directly contradicting and undermining the CDC warnings.
January 23rd CDC says they have concerns the Chinese are holding back vital data on the virus. The very next day, here comes Trump praising Chinese transparency, again directly contradicting and undercutting the CDC , and declaring everything will work out. ... 5354923009Over the next 2 weeks WHO reports global cases growing from 1,000 to 25,000. The day after WHO announces 25,000 global cases Trump is at it again praising China and saying they will stop the virus. ... 6456808448Then 3 days later, while HOLDING A RALLY, he declares Covid looks like it will "miraculously go away" in April. Again, throwing around statements that have zero basis in science or anything those experts you claim were the ones "FUBAR"ing the situation were saying. Requiring the CDC director to go out afterwards and give an interview and make sure everoyne knows that no, COVID is with us at least through this entire season and likely through the entire year.
Over the next couple weeks global cases spike past 75k and climbing sharply. Feb 26th, at which point the CDC has been saying FOR OVER A MONTH that the virus is going to spread inside the US, Trump makes a public statement that he does not believe the virus spreading inside the US is inevitable. (To be clear, the virus was already widely spreading in the US at this time, but almost nobody was testing for it.)
Feb 29th, at which point still nearly NO testing is happening, Trump declares the US is "leading in testing".
March 17th, a week after WHO has declared it officially a pandemic Trump declares he always knew it would be a pandemic and felt it was a pandemic long before other people. Which, considering what he had been saying for the months leading up to that, is an impressive whopper even for him.
Trump spends the next week holding "briefings" where he speaks endlessly himself while providing no actual plans or useful data and constantly contradicting the medical experts, leading to Fauci saying in an interview on March 17th that he
"can't jump in front of the microphone and push him down. OK, he said it. Let's try and get it corrected for the next time."March 24th. Trump announces a targeted opening date for the country of April 12th. In contradiction to what ANY model says is going to be safe.
March 30th. Trump claims his administration inherited a "broken" test for COVID 19 from Obama. You know, the guy who was president before Covid 19 existed.
April 4, Trump starts hyping and pushing Hydroxychloroquine, refusing to listen to experts who say there is no solid evidence it is effective and it hasn't been tested for harmful side effects as a COVID treatment. We all know where that has since gone so far... ... index.html then of course there was the great "look into injecting people with disinfectant" debacle. And refusing to take responsibility for testing failures. And telling all the states to fend for themselves for PPE after he squandered months of lead time not stockpiling anything, inciting a bidding war between states in which the Feds also constantly became involved so that states that were ordered by the Federal government to secure their own supplies then kept getting outbid by the federal government for those supplies, skyrocketing equipment prices as a result.
Nobody in the entire United States has been more responsible for cutting the legs out from underneath all those professionals you mentioned and sabotaging the US ability to respond effectively to the pandemic than Donald Trump.
FFS, stop twisting yourself into a pretzel trying to rewrite everything that is happening and face reality. He's an incompetent narcissistic pathologically lying moron who is more concerned over what TV ratings his briefings are getting than how many people are dying and the US is paying the price for it. Fortunately there are a lot of mostly competent governors mitigating the damage as much as they can or it would be a lot worse.