TFLYTSNBN wrote:Of course none of you Brainiacas know enough about petroleum engineering to understand what shutting in a welcome in an Arctic environment will do to the well, collection and transportation network. Maybe some of you will do some Googling? Zeihan is one of the few prognostiators who knows more about oil than I do. None of you people know anything.
One can make a case that Russia's economy can survive the Coronavirus and the loss of their oil revenue. I disagree. I would be interested in reading cogent arguments that make the point. The most effective strategy for Russia would be to take out Saudi oil production and maybe oil tankers world wide. This has to occur within a few months.
Iran launched a cruise missile strike on the Saudis major transport and processing hub back when European s were still eager to help Iran evade sanctions. How desperate do you think Iran will become now that they can't even give their oil away? The most effective strategy would be to take out Saudi oil production and maybe tankers.
In case any of you idiots didn't notice, President Trump has actually been engaging in diplomacy to resolve the feud between Saudi Arabia and Russia. Maybe it will work.
Have you realized what will happen to your domestic oil-production yet, especially in light of what Ziehan alluded to?