Michael Everett wrote:TFLYTSNBN wrote:When "Empires" collapse, chaos reigns. Populations decline massively.
And once again, English Pride compels me to note that the British Empire, the largest Empire in history and one that was run with a massive numerical imbalance between the British and the rest (seriously, entire regions were effectively run by only a score of Brits or less), recognized when it was heading towards the buffers and after putting down several uprisings, carefully dissolved itself while seeking to ensure that its former regions were able to remain stable.
Seriously, look at the former British colonies against those of Spain and France. The former British colonies are overwhelmingly civilized, generally keeping to the rule of law (with maybe one or two exceptions*). The majority of the Spanish and French colonies have to rely on Force of Arms to remain intact, assuming that they're not having yet another insurrection/civil war.
Some argue that the British Empire still exists under the name British Commonwealth, but they're mistaken. The UK doesn't rule over the Commonwealth, we're just another (albeit somewhat respected) member.
I don't think that the American Empire is collapsing because America never actually had an Empire. Instead, it had the
Pax Americana, aka "Don't make us come over there and wave our guns at you".
*One example - America is a former colony (or group of colonies) and it had a civil war.
Amazing that I actually agree with your explanation here. While the British Empire was a classic empire that exploited it's colonies economically, England did leave it's colonies as mostly functional countries.
While the US flirted with becoming an empire after the Spanish American war, we never really got into it. The Philippines were far more trouble than they were worth even before WW2. You correctly characterize the US Post war regime as Pax Americana. We have had to fight some nasty wars to keep the peace or just preserve credibility such as Korea and Vietnam. The US could have abstained from the First Gulf War by developing it's own oil resources and nuclear power. This would have avoided 9-11, the Afghanistan war, the Iraq war, and all the interventions in Syria, Libya and others.
Now that the Coronavirus has reduced world energy consumption by about 35 million barrels per day, the US has absolutely zero incentive to intervene in the middle East. This coincides with the Gulf oil economies imploding. A war between Iran and Saudi Arabia is almost certain. The US will not intervene. About 20 million barrels per day in production will be destroyed.. Meanwhile in Siberia, Russia's oil Wells and infrastructure are freezing solid. If and when the Coronavirus crisis is over, there will be a huge oil shortage, except for the USA.